Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Aidan's New Bed

Aidan has taken over Morgan's laundry basket...

Long Day

"Please Sir, May I Have Some More?"

I put Morgan in an adorable little outfit last week and realized that she looked like she could have been an extra in the movie "Oliver".

Baby Couture

Aunt Peggy went on a shopping spree and bought so many adorable things for Miss Morgan. She is sporting the leggings, mini skirt and crop sweater that she got for her. As you can tell, Morgan thought she was ALL THAT!


Thank you Aunt Peggy!

Sick Baby

Morgan was sick last week with some kind of stomach bug (which later attacked both me and Brian.) She went through 2 outfits at daycare and came home in this...

"I Believe" Santa T-shirt

Sick or not, she still managed to dance to Dora the Explorer

Craft Night

Julie had the girls over for Craft Night and I decided my craft was going to be a Christmas wreath. Shopping for all of the stuff to put on the wreath took just about as long as it took to make the wreath, but I'm very satisfied with the outcome.
It was a really fun night - thanks for hosting, Jules!

Jenny, Jacq, & Julie

Jenny's craft was making 2 Christmas stockings by hand (amazing) and Jacq's craft was updating her baby scrapbooks

Julie's craft was updating her family scrapbooks

Finished Product

Grammy, Pap & The Caterpillar

Grammy & Pap came for a visit a couple of weekends ago and brought Morgan an early Christmas present - an adorable rocking caterpillar. Morgan took to it immediately and was VERY proud of herself every time she sat on it.

Funny Grammy!

Big Girl Bath

Morgan made the switch from the sink tub to the big girl tub this past month. She LOVES her bath even more now. She listens to her Bible Songs CD, plays with her toys and splashes as much as she wants now (without getting Mommy wet in the process!)

She is fascinated with the overflow drain for some reason

She loves her quacking duck

Monday, November 22, 2010

First Steps

Morgan takes her first steps at 13 months!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Halloween was a good time this year and I think Morgan had a blast. Her 'day outfit' consisted of the adorable shirt that Grandma Muriel got for her and her skinny jeans. I took some pictures of Morgan in her cute outfit with the pumpkin that she decorated at daycare. That evening we put her in her ladybug costume and headed over to the Janik's Halloween party where we ate some awesome BBQ and then went trick-or-treating. This was Morgan's first time to trick-or-treat and she loved it! Hopefully I will have some video to upload soon. In the meantime, pictures are below...

Morgan's decorated pumpkin

So excited about the pumpkin

The shirt says it all

Little Ladybug

Clapping in excitement!

Let's do this!

This neighbor wanted to make sure that the little ones remembered to vote.

Happy Halloween!

Go Rangers!

Morgan was standing (on her own) and clapping for the Rangers, who had just scored a home run!