Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just Dance

I received Wii Just Dance for Christmas, so we had my sister and her boyfriend, Jon, and his daughter, Laura, over for a night of 'dancing'. We had quite a few laughs and I've realized I'm either not very coordinated or I just can't dance!


Brian and I have noticed strange noises in the evenings while sitting in the living room. We thought it was our cats playing upstairs or maybe the neighbor cat or a squirrel on the roof. The other night we heard the noises again, so Brian went to investigate. Low and behold, when he turned on the flashlight, there was a raccoon staring at him from the top of the roof!


Morgan saw snow when she was an infant, but this was the first time that she could actually play in the snow. Needless to say, she wasn't interested in playing in the snow, but she enjoyed stomping it on the sidewalk. Daddy tried to get her to taste the snow, but she just kept shaking her head no. Maybe next time...

This was her only attempt at getting into the snow.

Daddy trying to feed her snow.

Morgan's 1 Year Photos

I'm a little late in posting Morgan's professional 1 year photos, but better late than never! BluDoor Studios took her photos and they couldn't have turned out any better!

This pose is similar to a photo that I have of myself as a baby. I plan on putting the two pictures up side by side.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Did This Happen?

I got Morgan out of bed this morning and this is what I found...

Shirt wide open! She thought this was very funny, as you can tell.

New Year's Eve = Pink Eye

Morgan got Pink Eye on New Year's Eve, so our evening was spent at the CareNow clinic and searching for a pharamacy that was open. Happy New Year!

Miss Pink Eye 2011

Pink Eye Zoom


We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We hosted for the first time and I think everyone had a good time. We were able to spend some time with not only my family, but Brian's family as well.

Morgan is dressed and ready for Christmas Eve Service

Our family has grown! Lisa's boyfriend Jon and his daughter Laura joined us this year.

My sisters Tina & Lisa

Jon just figured out that he got a telescope


Aunt Lisa & Uncle Jon got Morgan a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Outfit

Morgan preferred the box

My brother Jeff and sister Lu

The practical joke was played on Jon this year. He asked for an ashtray, so Brian gave him a used ashtray with the butts still in it.

I got my Snuggie!

Brian played a joke on me this year as well. He got me a new Coach purse, but instead of my new purse, he put my old Coach purse in the box. I believe my expression says it all!

Christmas morning, Morgan was very excited to get her Princess ball

Morgan also loved the Leopard that Daddy got for her

Sporting her new cape and maracas

The world's youngest Super Hero

Loves her new Dora Ride-Along

Daddy was helping Super Girl fly

Morgan & Aunt Lu

Morgan got this adorable fur vest from Aunt Lu, but she preferred to wear it as a boa. I think I know what to get her for her birthday this year!

Celebrating Christmas and JD's birthday at Grammy & Pap's house

I'm ready for my close up

Morgan sat down next to Gracie ready to play

Aunt Karen helping Morgan get into Grammy's tupperware cabinet

Feed me Aunt Robin! I've not eaten nearly enough today.

Morgan & Daddy moment

Grammy & Morgan