Thursday, March 3, 2011

Visit from Grammy & Pap

Grammy & Pap came over last weekend to have some play time with Morgan. As you can see from the pictures, it was all about Pap on this visit.

Hangin' with Pap

There's Pap's Belly!

Read me a story, Pap!

Grammy was able to get in at least one picture

Dallas Arboretum

We had a wonderful day at the Dallas Arboretum last weekend. We had a picnic with Lisa, Jon and their friends, Harlen and Debbie. After the picnic, we walked around the Arboretum and then laid out a blanket and relaxed and played with Morgan.

Morgan and Aunt Lisa

Jon is teaching Morgan the basics of Botany

Silly girl

Princess Morgan on her Throne

Morgan allowed us to share her throne

Harlen & Debbie

Morgan found her own special exit door

Taking a walk with Mommy & Auntie

Pig Tails

Morgan came home from daycare with these cute little pig tails...

Morgan loves to watch Aidan eat

Valentine's Day

Brian and I decided that we would only spend $20 on each other for Valentine's Day this year. The one requirement was that we had to be creative with our gifts. Brian surprised me with homemade chocolate covered strawberries and marshmellows. They covered the entire kitchen counter and he had printed out all of the sweet love notes that he had sent to me over the week and spread them out amongst the strawberries and marshmellows. I gave him a 'date jar' with 52 different dates (one for every week of the year). We've had 2 dates so far which were: go on a picnic and go somewhere new. We went to the park with Morgan for the picnic and we went to the Dallas Arboretum for our something new.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Morgan loves her Valentine puppy

Morgan's Valentine creation

Snow Storm

View from our front door

Coloring with Daddy

Morgan and Daddy colored some love monkeys for Valentine's Day

Water Leak

Here's how the month of January ended for us...
Water heater goes out, plumber is called. Plumber fixes heater, but tells us that we have a leak under our kitchen floor. Plumber comes back out, jack hammers through the kitchen floor, fixes the leak, and leaves a hole in the floor. Water heater still not working correctly. Inspector comes out, looks at the work that the plumber has done, says it's ok. Plumber comes back out, fills in the hole and fixes the water heater again. Brian replaces the tiles in the kitchen and we live happily ever after.

My handyman hubby