Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Letter to Maylin - 2 Months

Sweet Pea,

You are 2 months old today and the time has passed so quickly! You've been such a good baby and I enjoyed my time off with you. You've had some tummy and reflux issues, so the doctor put you on Prevacid and you've seemed to do well on it. I also changed your formula, which seems to be helping your tummy. You're still a messy little eater, but a good eater nonetheless. You love your pacifier, which helps you sleep during the night (and Mommy and Daddy get some sleep as well).

The best thing that's happened in the last month is that you are now smiling when you hear my voice and when I talk to you. It truly melts my heart to see that sweet smile. You are such a sweet baby. You like to be held a lot and will cry when you realize that you've been set down. Your bedtime routine is getting better. You're sleeping about 5-6 hours a night, so Daddy and I only have to get up once in the night to feed you. You get some tummy time on the mat every evening and you are really getting good at lifting your little head, without fussing too much. Your complexion is very light and your hair has a reddish tint to it, including your eyebrows. Perhaps you will be a redhead? :-)

I went back to work 2 days ago and you started daycare. It's been tough for me when I drop you off in the mornings, but it's awesome when I get to see you at night when I get home. You're adjusting to daycare perfectly - it's Mommy that's struggling. :-)

We love you so much Sweet Pea and we can't wait to see what new and wonderful things you will do in the next month.