Friday, December 20, 2013

Letter to Maylin - 4 Months

Sweetest Maylin,

I can't believe it's already been 4 months since you came into our lives. You are such a good baby and rarely fuss. You love affection and want to be held all the time. If you notice that we've put you down after falling asleep, you will wake up and let us know that you're not having it. Ha! Your appetite has increased and you are now eating 6 oz. during most of your feedings. You love to watch what we're doing and will get angry if you can't see what's happening around you.

We've started putting you in the bumbo, but you're not sure if you like it yet or not. You love your vibrating bouncy chair and you have a front row seat while mommy washes bottles. As long as I talk to you, you are perfectly content in that chair.

Your little hands/fingers are a challenge during feeding time. They are constantly in the way, which makes it difficult to put the bottle in your mouth. Once we get the bottle in, all is good!

You truly are a very good baby. You only cry if you need a diaper change, you're hungry, you're tired, or you want to be picked up. You've made it very easy for us these last 4 months and we've enjoyed every minute of it.

We're looking forward to your first Christmas! I'm sure your sister will show you the ropes in no time.

We love you, Sweet Pea!