Friday, January 17, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 5 Months

Hi Sweetpea,

You are now 5 months and growing like a weed! You are the happiest baby and so sweet. You smile a lot and when any of us walk into the room you give us the biggest toothless grin and melt our hearts. You've definitely won your big sister over. She loves to give you kisses and hugs and always wants to play with you (sometimes a little too roughly, but you don't care). You love her too and will watch everything that she does. You tried your first food on the day that you turned 5 months (January 1st). I gave you Oatmeal Cereal. You weren't too thrilled with it, but you did try it. I've since given you a variety of other baby foods, but you're still not sure what to do with it. You will get it in your mouth and then spit it out. You are drinking 6 ounces of formula at your feedings now and you rub your head while eating. You are now sleeping in your own room in the crib. You transitioned really well, with no problems from the first night we put you in there. Sometimes you sleep through the night (usually when it's Daddy's turn to get up with you) and then other nights (typically mine) you wake up in the middle of night wanting to eat. Somehow we have to get you trained to wake up on Daddy's nights - Ha! You are rolling over like a champ now and holding your head up very well. The only problem is, you can't roll yourself back over, so you get upset when you get stuck on your tummy. You are growing so much and your sweet personality is really starting to show itself. We love you so much, Sweetpea. You have brought us so much joy.