Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 6 Months

Miss Maylin,

You are 6 months old and growing like a weed! You had a growth spurt recently where you were wolfing down your bottles and drinking every last drop. You're still a little unsure about baby food, but you will at least try the foods that I give to you. You seem to like corn, which was your sister's favorite when she was a baby as well. So far, you don't like squash or peas, but you are coming around on eating cereal. You make me and Daddy laugh when you drink your bottle because you will put your left hand on your head like a damsel in distress.

You truly are one of the happiest babies I've ever seen. You smile at everyone and you have the most wonderful laugh when I tickle your belly. You have the sweetest disposition and you love to be held - by anyone. You have no 'stranger danger' issues. You love everyone around you and they love you back. You and Morgan were both born with a birth mark at the base of your hairlines - the same one as your Grandma Beverly. I treasure this, for I know that she is part of both of you.

You've mastered rolling over, but you've only rolled yourself back over once at home. Apparently at school you are doing it all the time, but you insist on me or Daddy helping you roll back over when you're at home. (Hmmmm, something isn't right here.) You can't sit on your own yet, but with assistance, you're sitting like a champ. You also raise yourself straight up with your arms when you're on your tummy. You are always so proud of yourself when you do it and give us the biggest and happiest smile. We believe you're teething because you are chewing and drooling on everything. We've not seen any cute little teeth show up yet though. You had your 6 month check up today and you are a healthy 15 pounds.

You're such a sweet baby and every day is a blessing with you in it. We love you, sweet pea.


Mommy, Daddy, and Morgan