Monday, March 3, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 7 Months

Sweet Maylin,

You are now 7 months old and growing way too fast. You’re finally getting some meat on your bones and you now have some cute little ham hocks, which I love to tickle. Speaking of tickling, you have the cutest giggle when I blow on your belly and nibble on your ribs. Your laugh is one of the best sounds in the world.

You are sitting independently now and are reaching for everything within your grasp, including mommy’s hair and daddy’s beard. You love to take baths and play with the bubbles. You don’t mind having water flowing over your face while I wash your hair - you just take it in stride. You have such an easy going disposition, which I hope carries out into adulthood.

You are eating more baby food and pears are your favorite right now, but a close second is turkey and sweet potatoes. You also like cereal mixed with your formula for breakfast.

You LOVE to watch your sister and when she gives you attention, you always have a smile for her. You are also very interested in her toys and are already grabbing for them. Morgan isn’t quite ready for this, but you don’t seem to care.  You like playing in your bouncy activity center and playing on the activity mat that Grammy and Pap got for you. You no longer want to sit in the swing and you’ve almost outgrown your bouncy seat. You’re not very fond of the bumbo and will only tolerate it for a few minutes and then you’re ready to get out.

You have started a new habit of whimpering when I enter the room. You are perfectly content at one of your activity centers, but if you see me, you whimper and want to be picked up. What does mommy do? I pick you up of course! You have trained me well, little one. You are still one of the happiest babies I’ve ever seen and even when you’re fussing for someone to pick you up, you will smile. It’s the funniest thing – whimpering and smiling at the same time.

Happy 7 Months, Sweet Pea! We love you!


Mommy, Daddy, and Morgan