Monday, April 7, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 8 Months

Sweet Maylin,

You are a little 8 month old now and on the cusp of crawling. It seems like just yesterday we were excited to see you rolling over. Now you are sitting up like a champ, rocking back and forth on your hands and knees, and grabbing everything within your reach (and out of reach).

You love your sister! Any time that Morgan is in the room, you have to watch her. You will practically break your neck to see what she is doing. She can get you to laugh more than anyone, including mommy and daddy. You smile, laugh, and play with her all the time, but you also get your feelings hurt when she doesn't want you playing with her toys.

You have started a new game with mommy called "I'm going to fuss, just because". It's actually pretty funny. You are perfectly content playing on the floor, but if I get up to do something, you start fussing. You do the same thing when I enter the room as well. I'm not sure if you think I'm leaving you or maybe you think you're going to miss out on something, but you only do it to me.

You love to take a bath and you love to splash water everywhere. It's almost guaranteed that I will have to change my shirt after bathing you. Your sister will sometimes blow bubbles while I'm bathing you and you get so excited that she's there. She will also play peek-a-boo with you and you think that's the funniest game ever.

You are eating more baby food now, about 3 times a day. You like most everything, but you're not that keen on bananas or the carrot/pea combo. You seem to like the mixtures of fruit and veggies the best. I've tried giving you a sippy cup with water a few times, but you're not interested. You don't like the taste of water and you'd rather chew on the cup. You have outgrown your 6 month clothes, but only in length. The 6 month onesies still fit you, but all of your pants and sleepers are too short. You are finally getting some meat on your bones and getting some chubby little legs.

Daddy and I have fun tickling you, now that we've found your tickle spots. You will squeal and laugh when we tickle your thighs, ribs, and collar bone area. You also like it when I sweep a piece of clothing or a burp cloth over your face and body. You think that's pretty funny. In addition to laughing and squealing, you are doing a lot more talking and making sounds. It's fun to hear your inflections like you are really trying to say something to us.

You bring so much joy and love to this family, little one. We love you so much! Happy 8 months!


Mommy, Daddy, and Morgan