Friday, July 4, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 11 Months

Dear Maylin,

You are now 11 months old and getting so big! You are all over the place and enjoy getting into things that you shouldn't. You are beginning to understand the word 'no', but that doesn't mean that you actually listen. You follow your sister around everywhere. We've had to put up road blocks to keep you from venturing all over the house, these roadblocks really make you mad. When I'm in the kitchen, you will stand at the gate and fuss at me until I either cave in and pick you up or you get distracted by something or somebody else. You've not started walking yet, but you will stand unsupported in one spot before sitting down.

You have your top 4 front teeth all coming in at once. Your left front tooth is the front runner and is already breaking through. Even with 4 painful teeth coming in, you are still so good-natured and rarely cry.

You have a very sweet disposition and tend to be shy around new people. You are an observer and will watch with a bit of uncertainty when you are around several people that you don't know. You will allow people to hold you, but you aren't quite sure about the situation at first. You prefer to have mommy or daddy in your sight if someone is holding you.

You have started eating regular food along with your baby food. You don't seem to like the 3rd stage baby foods very much. These are the foods with chunks - chicken & veggies, turkey & veggies, etc. You typically only take a few bites and then start spitting it out. You like anything with fruit and veggies combined, applesauce, popsicles, fruit puffs, and baby cheetos.

You and your sister are starting to play a lot more. Morgan can make you smile and laugh more than anyone else in this world - which just melts our hearts. Our hope is that you and your sister will forever be tied by love and friendship. She loves you so much and although she gets frustrated with you because you want to chew on all of her toys (ha!), she has so much fun playing bubbles with you and trying to get you to laugh.

We love you, Sweet Pea!

Mommy, Daddy, and Morgan