Monday, August 4, 2014

A Year In The Life of Maylin Muriel Young

Birth Day! August 1, 2013

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

Happy 1st Birthday! August 1, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 12 Months

Sweetest Maylin,

You are 1 year old. Writing this brings tears to my eyes. It’s unbelievable that it’s already been 12 months. I still remember how tiny you were when we brought you home. Your newborn diapers were too big for you and Auntie Lisa and I would laugh at your little ‘granny butt’.

You are on the brink of walking and have taken a few steps here and there on your own, but you’re not quite there yet. You are crawling everywhere and are very quick about it too! You will also use tables and chairs to help you walk around the room.

What a wonderful baby you have been! You only get fussy if you’re hungry, tired, or in pain. You’ve had some tooth pain, but you take it like a champ. You have 4 bottom front teeth and you have one top front tooth that is already in and the other one is just breaking through. You chew on anything that you can get your hands (or mouth) on, including dirty shoes. We have to be careful not to keep our shoes lying around because you will find them!

You are still not too sure about regular foods. You will try a bite of most things, but will quickly spit them out if you don’t like them. You’re still not a fan of bananas or really any fruit that isn’t pureed. You will eat chicken nuggets, carrots, applesauce, cheerios, French fries, and Gerber Cheetos and Puffs.

Your personality is very mellow and laid back. You suck on your bottom lip and observe what is going on around you. Your facial expressions are priceless! You tend to have a shy demeanor especially in group gatherings, but you are fine with people holding you. At home, you are a chatter box and you’re favorite thing to say is “yeah yeah”. We’ll ask you questions and your typical response is yeah yeah, which makes it sound like you are actually answering.

You love to play with your sister and when she gets excited about something, you will too. She can get you to dance and laugh more than anyone else. Your tummy, neck, and feet are ticklish. Nibbling on any of those areas will get you laughing and squealing in no time. Your laughter is such a beautiful sound.

Your birthday weekend was very active and fun. You celebrated with cupcakes at school on the day of your birthday. The next day you got your first pair of shoes (hopefully you will be walking in them soon). On Sunday, we had a pool party to celebrate. The pool was cold, but you didn’t care. You were happy as a lark in your float. You weren’t too sure about your smash cake, but you did like squishing the green frosting in your hands. Mommy, Daddy, Morgan, Auntie Lisa, Grammy, Pap, Aunt Robin, Uncle Ed, Gracie, Brittany, and David were all there to celebrate your one year of life.

How blessed we are to call you daughter. Happy 1st Birthday, Sweet Pea. We love you.

Mommy, Daddy, & Morgan