Sunday, September 27, 2015

Letter to Morgan - 6 Years

Dear Morgan,

Happy 6th birthday, Pumpkin! How can you already be 6 years old? I was recently looking back at some of your baby pictures and it seems like it was only a short time ago that I was rocking that sweet baby to sleep.

You have grown up so much over the past year. In one short year, you’ve become much more independent and are taking the initiative to try new things. You are an amazing little girl full of so much energy and life. You talk and sing non-stop and love to boss your little sister around as much as possible.

I’m so amazed by your ability to adapt to new situations and accept change. In a matter of a month, we moved from our house that had always been your home, to an apartment. You went from having your own room and bathroom to sharing with your sister AND you started Kindergarten. You have loved and accepted every minute of it.

You started Kindergarten one month ago and you absolutely love it. Every day you have a great story to tell us about what you did in class, a song that you learned, or a game that you played during gym class. You are so smart and excelling in school already. You get wonderful comments on your homework from Miss White, like “Beautiful Job”. Your penmanship is excellent and looks like it was written by a child much older than six. I’m so proud of you, pumpkin!

In the last couple of months, you have lost your first 2 teeth, your two bottom front teeth. Your first tooth came out very quickly – you told us it was loose and within 3 hours and it came out while you were eating dinner. You were so excited! The Tooth Fairy visited that night and put glitter all over your dollar bill and left some fairy dust on the table (which you quickly scooped up and put into a baggie). I had to explain to you that she didn’t leave enough for you to be able to fly, which disappointed you tremendously. You lost your second tooth earlier this week, which Daddy pulled out for you right before bedtime. Once again, you were very excited and the Tooth Fairy left you a glitter dollar again (without the fairy dust this time).

You are starting to make friends in school, but no new BFF yet. You still talk about your old friends from Pre-K (Cassidy and Megan) and you are looking forward to seeing both of them at your birthday party at American Girl. You have been asking for an American Girl doll for over a year and have wanted to have your birthday party there for even longer, so this year you are getting your wish. You are so excited and it will be your first time in the store. I’ve got a feeling you may explode from sheer joy.

You’re a good big sister to Maylin. You play with her and show her how to do things and help her when she needs it. You struggle with sharing your toys with her, which is typical for most kids, but I think you have fun being able to boss her around. She listens to most everything you tell her to do and she copies everything you do and say (good and bad, ha!) I love watching the two of you play together and I can see how much you love each other. I pray that you both have a lasting bond for life.

You recently got a ‘big girl’ haircut where 8 inches were cut. We plan on donating your hair to a good cause. You handled it like a champ and you were actually excited to get it cut. It’s so much easier to wash and brush.

You are now taking showers and you’re no longer interested in taking a bath with your sister. You still need a little help, but I’m guessing over the next year, you will be showering without any of our help.

Your favorite things right now are: Topsy-Turvy Elsa/Anna doll, Disgust doll (from the movie “Inside Out”), stuffed Dolly (which you’ve had since you were born), the Kindle, Television, McDonalds, Cheeseburgers, Gym class, and playing in the pool.

We are enrolling you in Girl Scouts this year and you can’t wait to learn all of the songs. You associate Girl Scouts with music because I’ve sang and taught you many of the songs that I learned while in Girl Scouts. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did.

Daddy and I couldn’t be more proud of you and the things that you’ve accomplished this year. We love you so much and although you’re not a baby anymore, you will always be our baby girl.


Mommy, Daddy, and Maylin