Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Letter to Morgan - 8 Years

Dear Morgan,

Happy birthday to our big 8-year-old! You just keep growing and getting older every year. We tell you to stop, but you just don’t listen!

Over the past year you have done so well in school and even received an award for all 3’s the entire school year in the 1st grade (this is equivalent to all A’s). This year in 2nd grade, you are receiving real grades and currently have all A’s. You push yourself to do well and we’re so proud of you, Pumpkin. In addition to your school work, you are also very creative and quite the artist. You love to draw pictures of yourself and your sister doing things (singing, playing, dressing up, etc.)

You started taking voice lessons this year and you’ve really enjoyed it. Your singing has improved and you have your first recital in October. You are singing “Homeward Bound” and are nervous about singing in front of an audience, but you will be great! You have also expressed an interest in joining Cub Choir at school, which you will audition for in the coming weeks. In addition to voice lessons, you are still taking swim lessons and have progressed to level 6!

You joined a new girl scout troop this past year as a Daisy and have done so many fun and exciting things with this troop. You’ve made some new friends, sold a ton of cookies (with the badges to prove it), had a sleep over at Great Wolf Lodge, attended Pony Pal Camp where you learned how to ride a horse, and earned a ton of badges with each exciting event. At the end of the school year, you attended the bridging ceremony where you officially became a Brownie.

You are very inquisitive. You want to know about everything that is being said even if the conversation doesn’t involve you. You ask for an explanation on anything that you don’t understand and you will continue to push until you get an answer that satisfies you – ha! We love that about you and I hope you continue to be that way throughout your life. Seeking answers will only help you learn and understand the things that are happening in the world.

Along with being inquisitive, you also have a tendency to be bossy and demanding when things aren’t going your way or if someone isn’t doing what you’ve asked them to do. This particularly holds true when you are playing with your sister. Even when you’re bossy though, there is no doubt how much love you have for your sister. Many pieces of your artwork tend to be about your sister and you’ve made up math problems involving your sister. My heart melts when you tell each other “I love you”.

You have a very happy, fun, and outgoing personality. You make friends easily, as was evident at your birthday party this year of 15 kids. You love to dance, make people laugh, act silly, and play games on your tablet. You also love to have movie night in the media room, which is our typical Friday night routine. One of your favorite things to do is to watch Go Noodle videos on YouTube. Your favorite foods are strawberries, yogurt, BBQ meatloaf, chicken parmesan, pizza, and anything with chocolate.

The past 8 years have gone by way too fast, but you’ve made us so proud. We love you with all of our hearts and couldn’t imagine life without our girl. You’ve made our lives complete. Happy birthday, Pumpkin.


Mommy, Daddy, and Maylin

Monday, July 31, 2017

Letter to Maylin - 4 Years

Dear “Sweetest of the Peas”, “Littlest”, “My Maylins”,

You are now a big 4 year old and have changed so much over the past year. You’ve really come out of your shell and have shown others (not just us) your sweet, funny personality. You are still shy at times, but you will talk to people, smile, and act silly like never before! You have a very sweet and caring heart and are already showing empathy for others. You tell us you love us all the time (at least 5 times per day) and we never tire of hearing it, even when you say it just to get out of trouble (ha!)

The things you love the most: playing outside, swimming lessons, playing in water (pool or sprinkler), cuddling your favorite buddy E E (Lee Lee), playing with your sister, playing with your cousin Gracie, playing on your tablet, watching Masha & Bear on Netflix, Moana (your birthday party theme this year), chocolate cheerios, macaroni and cheese, pasketti (spaghetti), chocolate, cheese, and grapes.

You DO NOT like to be told no or anything close to no. You cry VERY loudly and produce big crocodile tears when you don’t get to do what you want to do. You can be very stubborn and pout when you’re not getting your way, but you are also VERY loving and like cuddles and kisses and sitting in our laps. You’ve recently stopped calling your sister “Sissy” and she’s now Morgan. We asked you why, and your reply was that you are no longer a baby and her name is Morgan (ha!) I’ll admit, it makes me a little sad that you no longer use it.

You started developing friendships this year at school and it’s been fun to watch you interact with your friends. Every one of them is your “best friend” and it’s funny to hear your daily stories. You started taking dance class this year at school as well. I’ve never seen you so excited than on recital day. You were so excited to show us what you learned and you were so stinkin’ cute in you little tutu leotard.

You accomplished potty training like a champ this year! You were a lot easier to train than your sister. You rarely have accidents and you are good about letting us know when you have to go. You have learned your ABC’s, but still haven’t mastered how to write your name yet. You can write the first letter without assistance, but just not the rest. I’ve got a feeling you will conquer writing your name this year!

It’s bitter sweet to watch you continue to grow up, but you are such a joy in our lives and we look forward to watching all of the new things that you do in the coming year.

Happy 4th birthday, Sweet Pea. We love you!

Mommy, Daddy, and Morgan