Thursday, August 23, 2018

Letter to Maylin - 5 Years

Dearest Maylin,

My sweetest of the peas! What a year it’s been for you! I still can’t believe that you’re 5 years old. My baby is gone and has been replaced with a sweet and loving little girl. You start Kindergarten in just a couple of weeks and I can’t help but get sentimental about how quickly time goes by. In the blink of an eye you went from a tiny 6-pound baby to a kid who likes to climb and jump on everything.

You continue to amaze me with your ability to empathize at this age. You are always aware of how people are feeling, and it makes you sad when someone else is sad – especially when your sister cries. You immediately want to make things better for her. We had to say goodbye to Aidan this year and you still talk about him and mention that he is up in heaven with the rest of our family. I love the sweet and kind heart that God has given to you. You are so loving. You want to cuddle, hug, and kiss me all the time and I treasure each of those moments. I hope that you will always want to 'give me love' even as you get older. In addition to that sweetness though, you are very stubborn. You don’t listen when you’re told no and you get mad when things don’t go your way. Just like your sister, you like things done a certain way and if that doesn’t happen you get upset. You still have a shy personality, but you are much more open to meeting and making new friends. You’ve made some good friends in daycare and I have no doubt that you will make some lifelong friends when you start school. You are so excited to start, and you can’t wait to be in the same school as Sissy.

You love to swim and are still taking swim lessons (and getting better every week). You were also in soccer and dance at daycare. You really enjoyed performing in your recitals this year and you did such a great job of showing us all the moves that you learned.

Did someone say candy? You love candy! More than ice cream, cake, cookies, pie, etc. You will pass up just about anything for a piece of candy. M&Ms and suckers are your favorite. I love that you will try just about anything once. You may not like it, but you’ll try it. You love mac-n-cheese, spaghetti, McDonalds, Cocoa Puffs cereal, and milk. You also love to be outside. You like playing on your bike and on your scooter. You also love to climb on things and really enjoy going to the park to play on the playground. It's difficult to get you to stay seated during meal time. You are so squirmy and want to get in and out of your chair during every meal. We are constantly telling you to 'sit correctly'. You'll do it, but then you're right back to squirming out of your chair - ha!

You really have grown so much this year and we couldn’t be prouder of you. We love you so much and are such a joy to this family.

We love you, sweet pea!

Mommy, Daddy, and Morgan

August 1st

Day of birthday party