Friday, February 8, 2019

Letter to Morgan - 9 Years

Dearest Morgan,

You are now 9 years old! How can that be? I look at you and wonder how that fussy baby turned into such a fun-loving and happy kid. You love life and everything about it. You’re outgoing and love to spend time with your friends. You enjoy hanging out at home, but you also like to go out and do things especially if it involves shopping for you, ha!

School is fun for you. You enjoy learning and telling us all about what you’ve learned that day. You are super smart and remember so many details on various subjects. So far you’re getting A’s in all of your classes again this year. You’re very involved in after school programs like Beach Club, Tiger Choir, Art Club, and the Christmas Pageant. So much so, that we will be cancelling your piano lessons at least for the school year.

You have a love and passion for all things Paris. Your room has so much Paris stuff and I think you may actually hold me to my promise of taking you to Paris when you graduate high school. That may change as your interests change, but I love that you have such an interest in a place you’ve never been but want to learn all about it.

You and your sister are starting to argue a little more as you both grow older, but I can still see the love that you have for each other. Maylin is always concerned about where you are and making sure that you’re involved in what’s happening. You get irritated with her sometimes when she does this, but I know one day you will appreciate that your little sister wants to be with you. I love to watch you play together and see the things that you all create and imagine in those wonderful minds of yours.

You are drawn to Art, Music, Math, and Science. These are your favorite subjects at school and you excel in all of them. You have great artistic abilities in your drawings and you have a creative mind when it comes to making things. You LOVE to sing and you have inherited your love of space from your daddy. You are so inquisitive about the planets, the universe, and how it all works.

You went to two camps this year. Your first camp was a 3-day Girl Scout camp called “Mischief Managed” which was a Harry Potter themed camp. You shared a cabin with 3 of your Girl Scout friends from your troop. You had a such a good time, but we sure did miss you while you were gone. You received a Bible from church this year and we had the privilege of going to Bible Camp together. We had a great time! You made some new friends and learned how to use your Bible to find books, chapters, and verses.

We are celebrating your birthday this year with a craft party at Michaels and then your first sleep over with 4 friends, plus you and your sister. You are so excited about your sleep over and have so many fun things planned, including a ‘build your own sundae” activity.
We couldn’t be more blessed to have you as a daughter, Morgan. You are a shining star in our universe and we’re so incredibly proud of you.

We love you, Pumpkin!


Mommy, Daddy, and Maylin