Monday, August 26, 2019

Letter to Maylin - 6 Years

Dear Maylin,

You turned 6 earlier this month and what a year it's been for you! You completed Kindergarten like a champ and made so many sweet friends along the way. Your best friend is Skye Ramos, but you claim that all of your friends are your best friends (ha). Your teacher, Mrs. Bettis, told us that you were the class favorite for many of the kids in class. This was a proud parent moment for us because we knew that you were being a sweet and kind friend to your classmates. You LOVED Kindergarten and you LOVED Mrs. Bettis. You had so many stories to tell throughout the year of cool things (and not so cool things) that happened at school. The BEST part of Kindergarten was that you learned how to read! You're an excellent reader and can sound out big words really well.

It's crazy how much you've grown this year! You're getting taller, your face is thinning out, and losing your baby fat - this makes Mommy sad. You've lost 4 of your baby teeth so far and you have no problem pulling your teeth out on your own. You actually like to do it! You lost your first tooth at school and you were pretty excited to visit the nurse and get a treasure box to hold your tooth.

This year you started showing more of your personality and your humor. You love to be funny and crack jokes. Even though your jokes aren't funny, because you haven't quite grasped the concept of what a joke is yet, it still makes us laugh because they usually don't make any sense. I love the fun and humor that you find in most everything around you. You're silly and crazy and we wouldn't have you any other way. Along with the silliness is a very sensitive side as well. You get your feelings hurt easily and you have a very short temper. You don't like to be told what to do and when we ask you to do something, you typically groan and whine about it unless it's something that you want to do. You hate being told 'no' and you hate getting into trouble. You cry easily, but you also laugh easily at something goofy that we say or do. We love your funny, sweet, sensitive, and moody personality - it makes you who you are!

You enjoy being active. You like to play on the playground, toss a ball around, ride your bike, and do lots and lots of cartwheels. Sitting is not something that you enjoy for long and we constantly have to remind you to sit in your chair during dinner. You've got energy and you want to use it up! Your favorite foods right now are macaroni and cheese, Spaghetti O's, Chocolate Krave cereal, Cocoa Puffs cereal, cheese, and watermelon. The word that you say the most right now is "disgusting" HA!

You had your first year as a Daisy Girl Scout and you really enjoyed it. You got to sell Girl Scout cookies with your troop and your best friend Skye joined the troop which was extra exciting. You earned some fun badges this year and you got to attend your first Rangers Baseball game AND walk the field for Troop Day.

Over the summer, you got to spend a couple of weeks at Children's Courtyard and saw some of your old friends. You also attended Vacation Bible School, Triumph Sports Camp, and Music & Arts Camp at church. One of the great things that happened this summer was mommy quitting her job and getting to spend the rest of the summer with you and your sister. We did a lot of fun things together including NRH2O, Urban Air, Central Arts, Medieval Times, and Six Flags. We went on a short family vacation to Paris, Texas and saw a small version of the Eiffel Tower with a red cowboy hat on the top. You love going on trips, mostly because you like staying in hotels.

I can't believe how much you've changed over the last year, Maylin. You're growing up so fast and we're trying to cherish these childhood moments in every way that we can. We love you so much Sweet Pea and can't imagine life without you in it. Let's see what your 6th year brings!