Monday, November 4, 2019

Letter To Morgan - 10 Years

Dearest Morgan,

It’s been 10 years since you came into our lives, kicking and screaming and stealing our hearts. We are still in shock that you are now in the double digits! How can it be that our first baby is already 10? It’s true that time seems to pass more quickly when you have kids and although it makes me very nostalgic when I think about you as my sweet chunky baby, I wouldn’t go back and change anything. I’ve loved every minute of watching you grown into a sweet and confident pre-teen.

Your love of the arts continues to grow. You enjoy singing in the school choir and you’re looking forward to participating in the Christmas show again this year. You also love to draw, especially female anime characters. You are starting to appreciate the various mediums of art and visiting museums is interesting to you now.
You love school and really enjoy learning new things. You are an excellent student and continue to receive A’s in all your classes. You’re so smart and you actually enjoy doing your homework. This is your first year in the ‘gifted and talented’ program at school and you are excelling. You love to read and are currently interested in reading mysteries and anything with unicorns.

You have decided that you want to be an Astronomer when you grow up because you enjoy learning about space, and you want to explore the unknown. Earlier this year we went to NASA in Houston and you decided that you are going to work for them one day. Your Daddy would be so excited to see that happen.
There have been some health issues for you this year, but things seem to be getting better. You are seeing an Endocrinologist because at your last check-up with your Pediatrician you hadn’t grown, which was a concern. Over the next several months, you had to have many tests done, including a half-day long procedure of injections and taking blood. Ultimately, you ‘failed’ that test, BUT because you were starting to grow again the doctor suggested that we wait and see if you continue to grow. Good news, you are continuing to grow! In addition to the growth issues, you got Strep and the Flu over the last year which ended your 4-year streak of perfect attendance at school. You were disappointed to say the least.

We recently let you in on the secret of there being no Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, etc. You already kind of knew, but you took the news like a champ and said, “but I can still believe, right?”. That’s my girl!

Things you love: your computer, reading, singing, movies, pizza, chocolate, Cocoa Pebbles, school, family, friends, chocolate, Justice (the store), leggings, games, and did I mention chocolate?

When you were my fussy and colicky infant, I always wondered what you would be like at 5, 10, etc. You have exceeded my expectations, Pumpkin. You are such a sweet girl and so respectful of others. We couldn’t be prouder of you. We love you with all our hearts.


Mommy, Daddy, and Maylin