Thursday, November 4, 2021

Letter To Morgan - 12 Years

Dearest Morgan,

You have grown up so much over the past year and it is really hitting me hard that you're no longer a baby. You are starting to develop into a young lady and puberty has started to take over your body. I've told you numerous times to stop it, but you just keep growing!

So much has happened over the past year and you've been able to do quite a few things since life went back to semi-normal (Covid-19). There have been some ups and downs, but you've handled everything really well and continue to be a very positive kid. It's one of the things that I love most about you. 

We had to say goodbye to Quinn this past year and it was very hard on our little family, but thankfully we had planned a Halloween trip to Jellystone with the Newtons shortly after her passing which helped take some of the sadness away. Your costume this year was Hermione from Harry Potter. You were able to trick or treat in the neighborhood, but it was definitely different this year due to the pandemic. Many neighbors were handing out candy in their driveways vs. in their doorways. The plus side is that we got around the neighborhood pretty quickly! 

Shortly after Halloween, Uncle Ed got very sick with Covid and we thought we might lose him, but thankfully he began to get better after a couple of weeks in the hospital. 

After the year that we had, we decided that we were going to decorate for Christmas early, so shortly  before Thanksgiving, we put all of the decorations up and had a small Thanksgiving with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lisa. 

During the Christmas season you helped come up with ideas on where to put Candi the Elf. You really enjoyed helping this year and you came up with some cute ideas. We had a small Christmas with both sides of the family and although we didn't get to see everyone, we had a very nice holiday.  One of your favorite presents was the Saturn V LEGO set. You loved putting it together and you have it displayed on top of your bookcase in your room.

One history-making thing that happened this past year is that we have our first woman Vice President of the United States. Not only is she the first woman, but she is also the first woman of color to be VP. 

In February we had a major snow storm for several days and although we couldn't really go anywhere, we had a blast playing and sledding in the snow. We played with friends and made Snow Ice Cream! 

We had a short family trip to Fredericksburg during Spring Break this year and we climbed Enchanted Rock. We unfortunately chose the windiest day of the year to climb the rock, but we did it.

We added 2 new members to the family – Ellie Mae and Sookie Sue! They are so playful and fun to watch. They love to play and hang out with you and your sister. You are in love with both of them, but you tend to favor Sookie just a little. 

You were in the gifted and talented program again this year in school and you did really well and made straight A's. There were still no extra-curricular activities this year, but you did apply to be in the HEB Honor Choir for the next school year and you were accepted!

This past summer was jam-packed full of fun things that you got to do. You attended an Anime Camp for a week and produced some great artwork of some of your favorite characters. You also did some physical therapy for your ankle, which seems to be improving. You attended VBS with your sister at various parks around the area and we visited NRH2O several times. You were able to go to Jellystone Park in Tyler with your sister's GS troop and made friends with Macey, another older sister of a GS. We spent 4th of July with the Newtons in Athens and Uncle Ed and Daddy set off fireworks in the field close to the house. You attended Glen Lake Camp for a week with your friend Lily and had a blast. We took a family trip to West Virginia for Daddy's family reunion and we stayed at a resort that had a zoo and other fun activities. We visited the zoo and got to see our favorite animal – red panda. Summer ended with a GS trip to Falkenstein Castle. Your troop made enough money selling cookies over the past 2 years to rent out the entire castle and stay there for 2 nights. You did an escape room challenge in the castle, you had a day at Inks Lake Park where you learned how to kayak. You also jumped off a cliff into the water at Devil's Hole while at the park. You participated in a Murder Mystery Dinner one the nights at the castle and your character was Snow White who had to sing all of her lines – there wasn't a more perfect character for you! You got into it and did a great job of singing and playing your part. Your troop was also able to take a tour of the Longhorn Caverns and see some really cool crystals and bats.

When school started, things looked a little more normal. Masks were optional and no longer required. Daddy and I wanted you and your sister to continue to wear your masks and you were fine with it and didn't fight us. You began rehearsals with the HEB Honor Choir and I got roped into being a parent volunteer, so I attend the rehearsals with you every week. 

We took you and your sister to your first Broadway play at Fair Park. We saw Wicked, my favorite, and you really enjoyed it. You thought the production was great and your favorite part was the moving parts of the giant Wizard. After the play, we went to Rise No.3 in Fort Worth and you had your first souffle. You had a mac and cheese souffle for dinner and a chocolate souffle for dessert. You LOVED it and can't wait to go back!

Your GS troop worked hard during the month of September to get your Bronze Award. You collected donations for the Hurst Animal Shelter and completed other tasks necessary to earn the award.

Your birthday was celebrated a little differently this year. You have officially reached the age where birthday themes and specific activities/locations are not what you want. This year you asked to go out to dinner with friends and have a sleepover. We took you, your sister, and 4 friends to downtown Fort Worth to eat at The Cheesecake Factory, then we walked to ITSugar to get some candy, before heading home for the sleepover. Your friends Karsyn and Lily stayed for the sleepover and we had birthday doughnuts the next morning. You opened your gifts later that morning and found out that you were getting your own cell phone. You were so shocked that you were speechless for about a minute!

Things you love: Anime, chocolate, friends, school, Genshin Impact, My Hero Academia, drawing, singing, and YouTube.

We're so proud of you, Pumpkin. You're a good girl, a loving daughter, and a sweet friend. This is your last year in elementary school and soon enough you'll be in junior high. Why does the time have to go so quickly?!

We love you!

Mom, Dad, and Maylin