Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I just got back from a conference in San Francisco. It was the Game Developers Conference and I was working the booth and getting people signed up for a raffle. All of the sudden I look up and there is Rupert from Survivor: Pearl Islands and Survivor: All Stars. He was wearing his trademark tie-dye t-shirt and of course his scruffy beard. I knew him immediately! I got up the nerve to ask him if I could have my picture taken with him and he couldn't have been nicer!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Aidan & Quinn

Aidan & Quinn are our sweet 3 year old cats. Named after one of my favorite actors Aidan Quinn. They just got their shots and Aidan weighed in at 14.7 pounds and Quinn weighed in at 9.1 pounds. The vet said that neither of them are overweight, so Aidan has been wrongly pegged 'fat boy' for the past 3 years. I have a feeling he's got a plan on how he's going to get even with us.

This is Aidan - the ornery mama's boy

This is Quinn - she's very timid, but sooo sweet

Very rarely can I get a picture of them sitting together,
so I thought this was worth posting.

Cowboy Game

We are lucky enough to know someone that has season tickets to the Cowboy games. What's even better is...his seats are awesome! In December, we were able to use the season tickets to watch the Cowboys play the Eagles.

Tailgating before the game

Look at how close we were! That's Coach Parcells!

In the Corral after the game

The Birthday and The Grill

Which came first? The birthday or the grill? I can't remember! Brian celebrated his 35th birthday in September, shortly after we returned from our honeymoon. We purchased a grill for Brian with the Home Depot gift certificates that we got as wedding gifts. I forgot to post these pictures earlier, so here they are...

Cook for the Cure

Every year I try to either donate money or participate in a function having to do with finding a cure for breast cancer. In December I attended the Cook for the Cure fund raiser that was held at the school where I work. The food was fabulous and the money went to a great cause.

The menu

Dessert - Yum!

1st Christmas

2007 was definitely a year of 'firsts' for us. Christmas as a married couple in our new home was no exception. We've truly had a blessed year.

Brian putting the star on the tree.