Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day of Treats

Today was filled with so many wonderful sweet treats, that I just had to blog about it. It started this morning with a nice surprise from my supervisor to thank us for a job well done for the quarter. We each received an individual cake from Janie's Cakes in Tyler, TX. Then at lunch time, we made a special trip to Society Bakery in Dallas to get treats for the birthday girls in our office. I couldn't go to Society without getting my favorite - a strawberry cupcake! Then to end the day on a good note, when I got home there was a box addressed to me, Brian and Beta (which is what we call the baby - you can give Brian and his computer geek mind credit for that one!) The box label said "Happy Easter from Grammy and Pap". We knew immediately it was from Brian's parents. Brian opened the box and found the cutest little Easter cookies I've ever seen. Beta says 'Thank you Grammy & Pap!'


This didn't last long

Too cute to eat!

Cousin's Retirement Party

This past weekend Brian and I attended my cousin Ray's retirement party. My sister Tina came into town for the event, as well as, several relatives from Houston and San Antonio.

My Cousin Gil blocking the door to the women's restroom so that my cousin Evie was forced to dance with him.

Lisa, Cousin Bobby & Cousin Cherie

Cousins Delia & Oscar

Posing with my Cousin George

The FIVE Homies (inside joke, you had to be there)

Cousins Becky, Terry, Ray, Isabel, Joe & Gil

How We Broke The News

I knew that I wanted to do something unique to tell Brian that we were having a baby, so on the day that I found out I emailed Brian at work and told him that I would be making a new dessert after dinner that evening, one that my boss had recommended (big lie). So after dinner that evening I prepared the 'scrumptious' dessert and put the positive pregnancy test next to it, along with a baby bib that said "I Love Daddy". I had the video camera ready and then called to Brian in the living room to come in and help me carry the dessert to the living room. Well needless to say, the dessert never was carried to the living room and definitely wasn't eaten! Below are a couple of pictures...

Yummy dessert - Pickles & Ice Cream

Happy Daddy

We called all our closest family members who lived out of town to give them the good news, which included Brian's Mom and 2 of my sisters and my brother. If any of you read the blog around Christmas time and the prank that my sister Lisa pulled on Brian by giving him a calendar as a Christmas gift, then you will understand why we used a calendar to tell Lisa that she was going to be an Aunt. We told Brian's Dad and Mary by giving them a picture frame that had a picture of a baby carriage and said "Baby Young, September 2009". We told his sister and brother-in-law the day that they came over for Brittany's Mary Kay makeover by giving them a printed out email 'from the baby'.

Lisa's surprised reaction

Lisa with the calendar

Ron & Mary with their frame