Saturday, October 24, 2009

Letter to Morgan

To my sweet baby girl,

You are one month old today! I can't believe it's already been a month since you entered our lives and turned our world upside down. In 4 short weeks, you have taken over our hearts and showed us what it truly means to love someone unconditionally.

In the first month, we know this about you...

You are the cutest baby we've ever seen.
You are a ravenous eater and have no patience when it comes to feeding time. You want your food NOW!
You have the cutest little "drunk baby" face when we burp you.
Your smile is the most wonderful thing in the world.
You have the most beautiful eyes and when you look at us, our hearts melt.

We love you so much and we can't wait to see what new things you will show us next month.

Morgan with her Harrod's Bear (One Month)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aunt Lu Visits

My sister Lu came into town last week to help us out for a few days. She bought some outfits for Morgan, so we made sure to put Morgan in them while Lu was here. My favorite is the bunny outfit (last picture below). It was a great visit and Lu definitely had the magic touch with Morgan.

Aunt Lu meets her neice

Aren't those the cutest little bunny feet?

Morgan Weeks 1-3

I can't believe she's already a little over 3 weeks old! Here are some sweet photos of our baby girl.

Bonding time with Peggy

Play time

She loves her swing!

Going Home

I bought the cutest little outfit for Morgan to wear home from the hospital and even though it was a bit big on her, it was still adorable! I didn't get a very good picture of the outfit, but believe me it was cute!


Several friends and family visited while we were still in the hospital, including a surprise visit from my friend Wendy.


Jen, Nicole, Kit & Julie (co-workers)

Wendy (and Nola, behind Wendy)

Cat Stroller

The cats have found a new spot to Morgan's stroller.



Thursday, October 8, 2009

Introducing Morgan Ann Young

Morgan Ann finally made her appearance on Saturday, September 26th at 1:56pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs 5oz. and 19 1/2 inches long.

I was in labor for almost 38 hours, but thankfully it wasn't intense labor the entire time. I managed to dilate to an 8, but my cervix wouldn't dilate any further and the doctor found that my pelvic bone was not wide enough to allow her head to pass through, so there was no other option than a c-section at that point. I was very disappointed, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. The entire labor and delivery was one big blur, but now we finally have our sweet baby girl. She's almost 2 weeks old and it's been a whirlwind of emotions - joy, confusion, insecurity, confidence, you name it. No matter how trying it is though, I am so thankful to finally have the baby that I've always wanted.
Thank you God for this wonderful blessing!

Early labor (obviously because I'm still smiling)

"Daddy McDreamy" waiting to be allowed into the surgery room

Morgan arrives!

Proud Papa

Proud Mommy

Aunt Lisa meets her neice

Pap & Grammy
