Saturday, November 21, 2009

Letter to Morgan - 8 Weeks Old

To my sweet baby girl,

You are 8 weeks old today! I can't believe that you are another month older. You have changed so much over the last 4 weeks. Your beautiful eyes are focusing in on things and you like watching TV. You enjoy playing on your jungle mat and watching the lights flash. Your two favorite things are laying on the dining room table (our current changing table) and having Mommy or Daddy bounce you on the exercise ball. You are recognizing our voices now and you smile when we play and smile at you. You also like it when I sing silly Girl Scout songs to you, regardless of how badly I sing them. You are starting to sleep through the night now, which makes me and Daddy very happy. We've started calling you by different nicknames, mine is Pumpkin and Daddy's is Bug. Every day we are amazed at how truly wonderful and beautiful you are. The effect that you have on our hearts is something that can't be explained in words, just know that we love you and can't wait to see what new things you have in store for us in the next month.

Morgan at 8 Weeks

Friday, November 20, 2009

Miss Morgan

Photos that I've taken over the last couple of weeks...

Wearing an outfit from Aunt Peggy

Wide eyed and bushy tailed

Tuckered out

Laying on blankets that my best friend's sister made for her

So cute!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Night Out

Grammy and Pap offered to keep Morgan for us for the weekend, but we opted for one night (maybe in the future we'll be able to leave her for a full weekend). We started the evening with Grammy, Pap, Robin, Ed and Gracie. We had dinner together and then Brian and I left for our night out.

Brian suprised me with tickets to The Von Trapp Family Singers show at the Bass Performance Hall. He splurged and got us box seats, which were fabulous and very comfortable! The singers consisted of 4 siblings that are the great-grandchildren of Captain Von Trapp and the grandchildren of Kurt (the youngest boy). By the way, the Von Trapp family is better known as the family that "The Sound of Music" was based upon. After the show was over, I stood in line and got the Von Trapp Singers to sign the book that I purchased.

Our plan after the show was to go home and relax and enjoy some wine. That plan didn't quite work out - we went home and went to bed. Such is the life of new parents!

Morgan and Daddy hanging out before we left (watching Fried Green Tomatoes)

Pap loves Morgan

Grammy loves Morgan too!

at Bass Hall

Brian outside the box seat door (I couldn't take pictures inside unfortunately)

Von Trapp Singers

Up close and personal

Getting autographs

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grease Fan

Daddy and Morgan had some bonding time tonight, while watching Grease 2 on TV. She's definitely our daughter as Brian and I both love the Grease movies and she was entranced.


We had a very busy and fun first Halloween with our sweet baby girl. I bought a cute little outfit for her to wear during the day and then put her costume on her for the evening festivities. We started the evening at the Janik house and trick-or-treated in their neighborhood with their boys and several other friends. We then went to Ron and Peggy's house for dinner and some relaxation time. Morgan had such a good time that she slept for 5 straight hours that night!

The shirt says it all!

Sporting the bib that Grammy got for her

Our "Treat"

First Bath

Morgan finally had her first bath and she did really well for her first time in a small tub of water. I'm hoping that she will get used to it and come to love it!