Saturday, February 27, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 5 Months

My sweetest girl,

You have done so many amazing things in the last month! You can now roll over and you love to sit in your bumbo and watch me and daddy eat dinner. You are just starting to figure out how to eat baby food without spitting it out all over your bib. You don't like the plastic bib at all and you won't eat unless I take it off. So far, you like bananas, pears and sweet potatoes. You are gaining more weight and are even getting some cute little rolls on your thighs that I call 'hamhocks'. You talk, giggle, laugh, squeal with delight, and are very ticklish. When you get really upset, you poke out your bottom lip and give us a cry that I call 'the pterodactyl' because of it's high pitch and you follow it up with the 'crocodile tears'. We find it very funny that you are already learning how to manipulate us in order to get what you want.

You are truly the light of our lives, little Punks. I still can't believe that you are ours. You are so amazing and beautiful, a true blessing to me and your daddy. We love you.

Morgan with her Bear (5 months)

a Decena & Young Production

I bought this onesie several months before Morgan was born and I'm so excited that she's finally able to wear it! The onesie says "a decena & young production, 1st edition".

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Morgan's Entourage

Brian and I are beginning to feel like Morgan's entourage. She has places to go and people to see and we basically tag along!

Michael, Sylvia, Elena and Alicia made a quick trip to Fort Worth last weekend for Alicia's dive competition. We met them for breakfast on Sunday so that they could meet Morgan and then we stopped by Grammy & Paps so that they could see Morgan as well.

Hibatchi Birthday

Brittany turned 16, so the family all went to her favorite Hibatchi restaurant in Grapevine. I wondered if the hibatchi antics might scare Morgan, but she did great. Her eyes got as big as saucers everytime the fire flamed up, but she never got scared - such a good baby.

Waiting for everyone to arrive

Still waiting

Grammy & Pap

JD & Karen

Morgan loves her cousin Gracie!

Good times with Aunt Robin

The Birthday Girl

Roll Over...Good Girl!

Morgan has been trying to roll over for a while now and we've been watching diligently and just waiting for it to happen. In the typical Morgan fashion, she waited until we took our eyes off of her (less than 2 minutes) and decided she'd go ahead and roll over! Little stinker, but we're so proud of her!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Miss Giggles

Snow Glorious Snow

Dallas/Fort Worth broke the previous local record for the most snow in a 24 hour period of time. I think we officially got over a foot of snow, which is unheard of this far south! We took advantage of it and got Morgan into her new winter coat and gloves and headed outside. It was so beautiful and reminded me so much of my childhood in Iowa.

Kiss Me...Hug Me...

My sister and her boyfriend watched Morgan for us while Brian and I went to a movie and dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. I use any excuse to get Morgan a cute outfit, so of course I dressed her up for Valentine's Day.

Kiss me!

Hug me!

All better

Superbowl Party

We were invited over to Peggy & Ron's house to watch the Superbowl. I realized very quickly that when you have a baby, you don't really get the chance to 'watch' the Superbowl, but I did get to see a few of the funny commercials!

Proud Auntie

Peggy & Morgan

So sweet

Pretty Baby

Beauty sleep

Tummy Time

Morgan had tummy time with her daddy...

Visit from Grammy & Pap

Grammy & Pap came over a few weekends ago to see Morgan.