Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 6 months

To my pretty baby girl,

You are now 6 months old! A half of a year! Where did the time go? You have changed SO MUCH in the last month.

You are enjoying your toys and have fallen in love in your Dolly. You squeal and smile when you see Dolly, although you seem to enjoy tossing her around, chewing on her, and spanking her. You are rolling over onto your tummy all the time now, but get very irritated that you can't roll yourself back over. You are starting to lift your knees and scoot a little bit though, so crawling may be coming soon!

You are eating solids like a champ now and you don't seem to mind when I mix up your vegetables with your fruits. So far, you've liked all of the foods that I've given you, but applesauce seems to be your favorite. You make a funny grunting and sucking noise every time I put the spoon in your mouth, which is very entertaining.

You have the ability to draw people to you and everyone who sees you makes a comment about how beautiful your eyes are. You like being around people and will let strangers hold you, but you are starting to have some separation anxiety. If you see me while someone else is holding you, you will start to cry for me, but if I'm out of sight, I'm also out of mind. You like being around other children and you absolutely love your cousin Gracie!

There are days when you remind me so much of your Grandma Beverly - you have the same birthmark that she had (on the back of your head) and you clasp your hands together like she did. It's on those days when I know that she is watching over you and loving you from heaven.

These last 6 months have been such a blessing and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next month! I love you "Little Punks".



Morgan - 6 Months

Cooking Class

Brian and I went to a Central Market Cooking Class to learn how to make Fajitas, Salsa, Refried Beans, Guacamole, Seafood Cocktail and Jalapeno Coleslaw. We had a great time and learned so much! We can't wait to put our education to good use! Fajita dinner anyone?

Menu/Recipe Packet

Waiting for class to begin

Kitchen shot

Taste testing the salsa

Preparing to grill the fajitas

Waiting to eat...


First Day of Spring 2010

RV Trip to West Virginia

A husband + a wife + a 5 month old baby + a sister/sister-in-law + an RV = one interesting trip to West Virginia!

It actually was a really nice trip and we enjoyed having my sister with us. She was a big help with the baby and it was nice to show her another part of the country and introduce her to all of Brian's side of the family.

Friday night we went to Robin and Jim's house, where we had one of the best meals we've ever had. Jim made the most incredible cabbage rolls and also made my personal favorite, potato and green bean soup.

Saturday afternoon we had lunch with Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Dave and they got to spend some time with Morgan. Our visit was a surprise to most of his family, so when we attended the Saturday night Italian dinner that his family put together, they were very surprised and very excited to finally meet Morgan.

Sunday was spent at Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Nelson's house. We were able to visit and have a nice dinner with everyone.

I think Morgan enjoyed meeting all of her Daddy's family, although I think it was a bit overwhelming at times. She did end up getting her first cold on the way home, but thankfully Tylenol, a humidifier and time helped her recover.

Morgan is ready..."let's go Daddy"!

All ready to go!

Lisa - trying to sleep in the back, but as you can tell from the blurry picture, it was a very bumpy ride.

Morgan didn't have ANY problems sleeping in the RV!

Cheryl and Diana

Elizabeth, Diana, Ruthie, Terra

Chase and Uncle Dave

Aunt Liz (she and Morgan share the same birthday)

Ruthie had Morgan laughing so much that we started calling her the "Ruthie Doll"!

Cousin Robin

Morgan took her turn driving the RV

Thank you Grammy & Pap for letting us borrow the RV!

Comfy Carrier

The cats seem to think that whatever belongs to Morgan also belongs to them. The baby carrier is the most recent 'take over' by Aidan.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gerber Baby 2010

We are told all the time that Morgan looks like the Gerber Baby. Last Saturday she received a package in the mail from Grammy and Pap with her very own Gerber Baby Bib. Morgan was very excited and couldn't wait to put it on!