Monday, April 26, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 7 Months

"Hi Punkin"! That's our greeting to you every morning when you get up and also when we see you after work. Your reaction to that simple phrase, makes life wonderful. You give us the biggest smile and you start squealing and kicking. The only thing that makes us happier is your infectious laugh. Your laugh is the most wonderful sound in the world! In the past month you have mastered the art of sitting and playing with your toys. You started using a sippy cup and really seem to enjoy drinking water. You like to eat, but you are not a fan of peaches. You love playing in your bouncy - the only draw back for Mommy and Daddy is that you seem to always come out of the bouncy with a poopy diaper! You love the cats and will smile and squeal at them as they pass by you with a flick of their tails. You have inherited your Grandma Beverly's love of the outside. (Maybe you will inherit her green thumb as well.) You have some funny rituals when falling asleep. You will either clap yourself to sleep or you will lift one leg up and move your foot around in a circle. You are a good sleeper, but a noisy one! You talk, whimper, twist, turn, clap and sigh, all while sleeping. You are such a blessing, little punkin, and we're looking forward to next month!

We love you,

Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mustang Morgan

Morgan sat atop Pap's vintage Mustang in a cute little saddle...

Peggy & Ron's Wedding Reception

We had such a great time at Peggy & Ron's wedding reception! Morgan stayed overnight with Grammy & Pap and Brian & I stayed at a hotel down the street from the reception venue, Seven Senses (which is one of the most incredible venues I've ever seen.)

The Bride & Groom arrive...let the party begin!

Framed photo of Morgan & Peggy. The writing on the matting says "My something blue".

Tina, Emily & Becky

Lisa congratulates her best friend

Posing with the beautiful bride

Entrance to the venue

Posing with Kelly

Hanging with Christine and Valerie

Brian & Steve

The Josh Weathers Band (Peggy's brother Kevin plays bass guitar for the band).

Good times

Jon & Lisa

Laura (also celebrating her 21st birthday) & Lisa

Debbie, Sedeve & Ralph

Darenda & Debbie

Laura & Peggy

Peggy with her new stepdaughter Natalie

Lisa, Natalie, Kelly & Peggy

The happy couple

Peggy's 'Something Blue'

Peggy wanted her Goddaughter as her 'something blue' for her wedding, so we set up a day and time to have photos taken and surprised her by having Jason Janik take the pictures. Peggy in white, Morgan in blue and Turtle Creek Park made for some beautiful pictures. Peggy framed her favorite photo (kissing Morgan) and had it displayed on a table at the wedding reception.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Plum Worn Out

Sun Hat

Morgan was sporting her first sun hat of the season on Saturday and didn't seem to mind wearing it at all.

Litte Miss Smiley

So cute


Morgan made herself comfortable in the salon chair while Peggy got ready for the pictures that she was having made with Morgan.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lu's Pictures

Lu sent me some of the pictures that she took of Morgan while she was here over the Easter weekend. Peggy bought Morgan a swimsuit and some other cute things for Easter, and Aunt Lu bought her a ton of cute clothes and some matching sunglasses for the swimsuit. She wanted to get a picture of her in the swimsuit and sunglasses and as you can tell, Morgan was not very happy with the glasses.

When we took our trip to West Virginia last month, I saw a cute (and inexpensive) crown in one of the stores that we visited. I bought it with the sole purpose of putting it on Morgan when her Aunt Lu arrived. Lu always refers to Morgan as 'the princess', so I bought the crown to go with the name! Lu got a kick out of it, but as you can tell Morgan didn't find any humor in it.

Peggy's Bridal Entourage Tour 2010

Peggy is getting married on April 24th and we had her bachelorette (bridal entourage) party last night. We had two connecting rooms at Hotel ZaZa where we toasted the bride and played a question and answer game with her. We then went to Sambuca for a while and ended the evening back at Zaza. It was a great night and I think Peggy had a good time.

The Bachelorette

Me & Lisa

Peggy kissing one of the chocolate wedding rings that Jeannie made

Debbie, Peggy & Courtney

Toasting the Bachelorette

Lisa, Peggy, Kelly, Darenda & Sonia

Christine & Lisa

Jeannie & Christy

Terry, Sonia, Robyn & Gwen

The Bridal Entourage

Easter Weekend

We had such a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend. My sister Lu was in town for part of the weekend and Friday we went and had a casual lunch at Patrizio's with Lisa and Peggy (and Morgan, of course). Friday night we grilled out and played Mexican Train. Saturday was a lazy afternoon and then Lu left that evening. Sunday we took Morgan to church for the first time and left her in the nursery. She lasted about 20-30 minutes before they had to call us out of the church service. She definitely had a case of separation anxiety, poor baby. We're hoping that she will eventually get used to it and even come to like it (we're keeping our fingers crossed!) Later that day we went to Robin and Ed's for dinner and Paw Paw (Tom) was finally able to meet Morgan. She took to him right away and he had a great time playing with her. After dinner, Morgan had her first Easter egg hunt - with the help of her cousin Gracie, she found quite a few eggs.

Lisa, Jon, Lu & Brian

Ready for church