Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Little Guppy

Morgan got in the pool for the first time today and she absolutely loved it! This doesn't come as a surprise though - she loves bathtime and isn't afraid of water at all.

Memorial Day Party

Our friends, Shelli & Michael, held their annual Memorial Day party on Saturday, so we went over for a little while and Aunt Debbi was able to have some one-on-one time with Morgan.

Debbi & Morgan

Letter to Morgan - 8 Months

Hi Pumpkin,

Another month has gone by and you still amaze us every day. You have cut your first bottom tooth and are working on your top 2. The teeth cutting has caused you some grief, but you're still such a good baby. You are constantly moving and will move your feet in circles when you are sitting down. You still clasp your hands together and will clasp them when being picked up. You like your personal space sometimes and if we invade that personal space, you let us know that you aren't having it! You are smiling and interacting with us more and more and you are laughing more than you ever have. You still aren't crawling, but you are twisting and planting one foot on the ground. You have outgrown your swing, your vibrating chair and your forest playmat and you're on the brink of being too big for your Bumbo and your car seat. It still amazes us that 8 months ago you were too small for just about everything and now you've outgrown the majority of it. Although you are getting bigger, you are still our little baby girl and we are having such a great time with you. We love you little Punks.

Mommy and Daddy

Ready for Summer

Look at that little tooth!

Open Call

Morgan went on her first open casting call last week with the Picture People. Aunt Lisa and Godmother Peggy took her to the casting call along with a photo that I had taken of her the day before.

Photo taken to the casting call

Mexican Train with the Brits

Jon's parents are in town for a few weeks, so we invited them all over for a night of Mexican Train. Although the Brits love Mexican Train, us Mexicans gave them a run for their money and beat them in quite a few games.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Goodbye Privacy...Hello Warm Pool!

The trees in our backyard are beautiful and make the entire yard feel very cozy and private, but in exchange for that beauty, we have a very shaded (and cold) pool. This year we decided to cut back the trees and enjoy a warm pool.
The video shows the aftermath of the backyard masacre...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Playtime with Daddy

Having fun with Daddy

So sweet!

You wore me out Daddy

Mother's Day Weekend

Saturday was spent with Brian's family, where we grilled out and spent a nice, relaxing day together. Morgan bonded quite a bit with her cousin JD.

Morgan & JD

Group Shot

More bonding time with JD

Grammy & Brittany

Fun with JD

Bonding with Aunt Karen

Grammy's got the magic touch

Sunday, Morgan and I got up early to attend church. Daddy gave me Morgan's gift before we left, which was a cute watering can with not only seeds to plant flowers, but also some sweet treats to go with it. Morgan's first experience with the church nursery didn't go so well, so we left extra early this time so that I could spend time with her in the nursery before the service. She did great and I was able to stay through the entire service. The church honored new mothers and invited us to go up to the front of the church where they gave us a very nice poem to take with us and also showed photos of our babies on the big screen.

Thank you for my gift, Pumpkin!

Mommy's Girl

Wendy and Paul were in town for the weekend, so we went out to dinner with them, Nola & Damien, and also Wendy's Mom, Ginger and her husband Bill. It was a quick visit, but it was so nice to see everyone.

Ginger & Morgan

The Group

Wendy & Morgan

Morgan and I finished the day in the backyard where the roses were in full bloom...

What a blessed and wonderful first Mother's Day

Sippy Cup

Morgan is slowly getting the hang of the sippy cup. She's not quite drinking out of it yet, but she loves to chew on the spout, the handles, the bottom...pretty much the entire cup is open for chewing.

Sippy Cup lost out to 'Dolly' (Morgan's favorite toy)