Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tummy Time

Letter to Morgan - 10 Months

Baby Girl,

It's amazing that 10 months have already passed and we fall more in love with you every day. This past month has been very busy for you! You went on your first plane ride to Iowa and you did great! You met your Grandma Beverly's side of the family and you met Mommy's best friend Patti as well. You started Daycare this past month, which was VERY difficult for Mommy, but you did great and adjusted in no time. You started holding your bottle on your own and you're soooo close to crawling. You've got two top front teeth, one bottom and two more that are coming in. You're starting to eat regular food and seem to enjoy eating most everything except jarred lasagna, which you spit out. You are such a good baby - so many people have commented not only on how pretty you are, but also how good you are. You have the cutest little personality and you're now giving kisses when asked, although you're still stingy with them! You love stuffed animals and playing with boxes. You also like to play with anything that is electronic - remote, cell phone, mouse, camera, you name it. These past 10 months have been so amazing and I know you have a lot more in store for us. We love you Little Punks!

The Big 4-0!

Brian threw an 80's themed party to celebrate my 40th birthday. With the help of Lisa and Peggy, they decorated the living room like the "Footloose" prom. The party was a blast and the cake was AMAZING! Thank you babe for a 'totally awesome' party!


Asia & Run DMC (Jennifer & Travis)

Gadzooks Sales Rep & Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Julie & David)

My co-workers!

Me & Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Genee & Raschad

Crazy Brent!

Sedeve, Becky, Lisa & Peggy

Don Johnson (Tom)

Great minds think alike! We're all wearing the same neon sports bra from Target!

Adam Ant (Kit)

The Group

My top 3 picks for Best Costume: Adam Ant, Run DMC and Top Gun's Maverick

Run DMC - Winner of Best Costume! (A painted miniature toilet was his trophy.)

Were there gang signs in the 80's?

Totally Awesome Cake! It was made by Izzy's Sweets & Treats, www.izzyssweetsandtreats.com

High School Reunion

In the midst of a family reunion and my birthday party, we also attended Brian's 20 year high school reunion. Brian was on the planning committee and actually ended up doing a lot of the planning on his own. He did a great job and had a wonderful time reconnecting with his high school friends.

Brian and I made the centerpieces

Planning Committee

Monday, July 26, 2010

Birthday Breakfast

Our co-workers took me and Julie out for breakfast last Friday to celebrate our birthdays (one week apart) at Kathleen's Sky Diner. They have THE BEST cheese grits in town! Julie looks fabulous in the photos, but I must mention that I had just found out that my dog had died, so I'm looking every bit of my 40 years!

Shrimp & Grits

Birthday Girls

Wonderful Co-Workers. Thanks for the amazing breakfast!

Miss Messy

Morgan stayed with Grammy & Pap this past weekend and these are the photos that Grammy emailed to us while she was feeding Morgan spaghetti.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today was Morgan's first day at daycare. She did great, but I had an extreme case of separation anxiety. I've been with her all day long for almost 2 weeks straight and today was extremely difficult for me. I know that it will get easier as the days and weeks go by and I also know that Morgan will thrive in a daycare environment because of her outgoing personality.

Clapping her hands, ready to play at daycare

All played out

Hometown Visit

After going to my family reunion, we went to my hometown of Sioux City, Iowa to visit my best friend Patti. We arrived Sunday evening and Patti finally got to meet Morgan. It was love at first sight. We had a nice evening at her house and Patti had Morgan laughing so hard, we were all laughing. Monday, we drove by my old house, which is now located in a bad neighborhood, with a lot of overgrown trees and bushes. Our old neighbor's house was in bad shape as well and the garage was even tagged in the back. It broke my heart to see my old house and the neighborhood look so bad. We also drove by old elementary school, which is now closed and the pool that we used to go to almost every day during the summer. We also went by the church that I grew up in and thankfully it hasn't changed at all. It was a lot of fun to drive around and visit the old stomping grounds and to show Brian where I grew up. After the 'tour', we went by Patti's work so that her co-workers could meet Morgan.

Patti & Morgan

Connor, Patti & Morgan

Belly Laughing (that was one very funny cat!)

Irving Elementary School

Childhood Home

Childhood Home

Childhood Home (back)

Neighbor's Garage

Childhood Church

Family Reunion

We attended my family reunion (on my mother's side) in Humboldt, Iowa this past weekend. Friday night we had Pasquales Pizza at my Aunt & Uncle's house and also celebrated my brother Jeff's 50th birthday. Saturday morning, several of us met for coffee at the local coffee shop and then Saturday afternoon was the actual reunion. Sunday morning we all met for breakfast and then we left for Sioux City to visit my best friend. It was so great to see everyone and also to meet some relatives that I've never met before. Everyone loved Morgan and she was sure enjoying the attention!

Dan, Jeff, Lu & Tina

Dorothea, Lisa, Morgan, Linda, Louie, & Jon

Uncle Bruce & Aunt Dorothea

Birthday Boy

Uncle Louie & Brian

Nap time

Lisa & Jon

Decena Family

Watnem Family

Fallesen Family

Gardener Family

Robison Family

Ward Family

Young Family :-)

1st Cousins