I was cleaning and vacuuming the house one weekend and we decided to bring out the vacuum that we got for Morgan when she was a baby. She is finally big enough to play with it (although, it's still a little too tall for her). She loves it! I've got a feeling that when she's big enough to actually vacuum the house, she won't love it nearly as much.
Brian's birthday present this year was a VIP tour of the Dallas Cowboy Stadium, a.k.a Jerry World. It was amazing how much time and money went into each and every detail of the stadium. The tour was great and the stadium was incredible!
Jerry's Perch (This is where he watches the games)
Brian in Jerry's Perch
Even the lights look like footballs!
The tour guide asked for volunteers so Brian and a few other men volunteered. They were told to pick a cheerleader's locker and then look at the picture above the locker and imitate the way the cheerleader was standing. This is Brian looking at his picture.
Brian's imitation of his cheerleader. He looks just like her doesn't he?
This is the ramp and entrance onto the field that the Cowboys run through at the start of every game.