Sunday, March 25, 2012


Morgan has discovered that it is fun to shine the flashlight in the cats' faces. The funny thing is, neither cat cared!



Cutie Patootie

Peggy's Visit

Peggy came to visit in February and was able to spend some time with Morgan while she was here. It was so great to see her!

Morgan was sporting a Valentine's Day hat that she made at daycare. She was also carrying around the Flopsy rabbit and the Harrod's bag that Peggy got for her.

Lisa, Peggy & Jeanne

Thank you for Flopsy, Auntie Peggy!

We missed you!

Valentine's Day

Brian and I enjoyed a 5 course dinner at 9 Social in Highland Village the weekend before Valentine's Day. This is a venue that is owned by one of my culinary graduates. It was a wonderful night out. Brian surprised me with flowers delivered on Feb. 13th AND Feb. 14th. How awesome is that?!

Joker Night

A fun evening of Joker, food and wine!

Skye's Birthday Party

Morgan attended Skye's 3rd Birthday Party in January. Since this party, Morgan has been addicted to all things Yo Gabba Gabba (the party theme).

Let's go!

She played the "Party in Brobee's Tummy" game. She didn't quite understand the concept of the game, but she was excited when she got a prize.

She had fun sharing the swing with Noah, a co-worker's son.

Jen helping Morgan with the "Freeze Game"

Happy Birthday Skye!

Morgan had a great time.