Sunday, June 23, 2013

Snow White

Wonder Woman

8 Months and Counting

1st Trip to the Dentist

Morgan's first visit to the Dentist was a success. She not only charmed every Dental Assistant in the place (and there were a lot of them), but also the Dentist. She and her giraffe went in by themselves, parents have to wait in the lobby during the check up. When I was allowed to go back, she had 4 Dental Assistants sitting and playing with her. She also had a picture that she colored, a new ball, 4 stickers on her shirt, and a flower balloon that the Dentist made for her. I was told by one of the Dental Assistants, that they specially marked Morgan's file with a smiley face and wrote the word "cutie" on it. So proud of my brave girl!

This was before the appointment began, she had already obtained a ball from one of the front desk staff members.

Look at that CLEAN and pretty smile!

Father's Day

Daddy woke up to Donuts and Coffee (his request) and cards from me and Morgan. Morgan gave her Daddy a weekend getaway to the Gaylord Texan so that he could relax and not worry about doing things around the house for 2 days. He couldn't wait for his getaway to begin! The rest of Father's Day was spent working on Morgan's big girl room, then play time in the sprinkler, and dinner from Outback Steakhouse.

After breakfast, Morgan read her favorite book to Daddy

Preparing to paint the trim and doors of the big girl room.

Sprinkler fun

Morgan's Daycare hosted a Father's Day luncheon the week before and Brian was able to join Morgan for lunch before naptime. Apparently, lunch involved some interesting discussions like how big elephants are, the size of a blue whale, what is in bread, and Spiderman.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Is that a Lion or a Poodle?

Aidan's summer cut

Galveston Family Trip

We decided to take our family trip a little early this year, before the baby comes. We settled on Galveston, since it's fairly close to home and it's a beach setting. It was a wonderful trip and Morgan had a blast playing on the beach for the first time.

Thursday evening we arrived, checked-in, went to dinner at one of the hotel restaurants (The Café), and then went down to the beach to check it out.

Friday we had breakfast in the room, then I had a wonderful pedicure in the Spa. When I returned, we went on the Galveston/Bolivar Ferry to see if we could see dolphins (no luck). We went back to the hotel so that Morgan could take a quick nap (which she didn't, but Mommy & Daddy did). We then went shopping on the Strand, where Morgan found her gift that she is going to give to her baby sister (a bunny that is attached to a pacifier). Her sister also got Morgan a gift, but I had to do it on the sly. After the Strand, we went to dinner at Fish Tales and then took an evening swim before bedtime.

Saturday morning was breakfast at IHOP across the street from the hotel, then off to the beach for the day. We then went to the hotel pool for a while before dinner at the Steakhouse inside the hotel. We had a great day, but we were so exhausted. I think Morgan was asleep before I could even turn out the lights.

Sunday morning was the buffet breakfast at the hotel, then time to pack and head home.

Ready to go!

Rest stop outside of Houston. Morgan enjoyed playing inside the big tree and running off some steam.

View of the gulf from our room.

So excited to see the gulf/ocean!

Morgan spotted the pool almost immediately.

Checking out the very windy beach for the first time.

Time to test the waters.

Ferry ride. We hoped to see some dolphins, but no such luck.

Someone wasn't getting her way and decided to pout.

Much happier at dinner (at Fish Tales by Pleasure Pier). She loved watching the Ferris Wheel.

Evening swim

On Saturday we spent a good part of the day at the beach. Morgan was a bit cautious about the water at first, but she warmed up to it and LOVED playing in the sand. She made several sand castles and buried Mommy & Daddy's feet in the sand as well.

Finishing off the day with some shaved ice. Yum!

Robin & Ed's Anniversary Party

Robin & Ed's daughter Brittany threw them a surprise 10 year anniversary party (although, I don't think they were that surprised). We drove down to Athens to help them celebrate and Morgan got to hang out with her cousin Gracie. We also finally got to see their new beautiful home.

Someone was very excited to see Gracie

Question: How many men does it take to open a can of Rotel?

Answer: Zero. None of the men could figure out how to use the 'new age' can opener. Brian ended up using the other end of the opener to rip it open.

The happy couple and the gag gift that Brian gave them - a roll of toilet paper to remind them of the night of their wedding and all of the unrolled toilet paper that was thrown into their bedroom.

The Blue Dogs

Gracie & Morgan playing with the balloons

Happy Anniversary!