Sunday, September 29, 2013

Moving In!

Morgan officially moved into her big girl room this weekend. She was very excited and wore her new Sofia PJs to celebrate. She did get up a couple of times because the vent was noisy and scaring her. Daddy put the big stuffed octopus in front of the vent and told her that she would protect her. That did the trick. She didn't come out at all the 2nd night. It's times like these that are bittersweet for me - I'm so proud of her, but also realize that she's no longer a baby.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Birthday Breakfast Video

4 Years Old!

We celebrated Morgan's birthday as a family by going to breakfast at IHOP and then opening gifts that evening when she got home from school. She also celebrated with her friends at school and brought cupcakes for everyone. Her teacher made her glittery birthday crown to wear for the day as well. When we dropped her off at school, the kids were so excited to see her and immediately started singing Happy Birthday to her.

At breakfast, we told the waitress that we were celebrating Morgan's birthday and that she could order whatever she wanted. Of course, she chose the very healthy chocolate smiley face pancake. When our food arrived, a gentleman came over to our table with his daughter and said that he wanted to make Morgan a flower since they both share the same birthday. We wished him a Happy Birthday and he made a very cool flower out of a paper napkin and handed it to Morgan. When I gave the waitress my credit card to pay for the breakfast, she said that the gentleman had paid for Morgan's breakfast. He told her not to tell us, but she wanted us to know. I'm so glad she did, because I didn't even notice that Morgan's meal wasn't included on the bill. We didn't know this guy, but he felt compelled to do something really nice for Morgan's birthday. I told Brian that we will definitely have to pay it forward.

That evening, when Morgan got home, she had a huge bouquet of balloons waiting for her from her Godmother, Peggy. Morgan was beyond excited and played with them all night and even talked to them, ha! She also received a birthday card from her Great Aunt Liz, who shares the same birthday. This little girl is so loved and so blessed. I hope one day she will know just how much.

Maylin slept through the entire meal. :-)

Morgan with the flower that the gentleman made for her.

Birthday girl with her crown at school

Birthday card from Aunt Liz

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Letter to Morgan - 4 Years

Sweetest Morgan,

Happy 4th birthday! I can't believe another year has gone by. You are growing up so quickly! You're no longer my little baby, but my little girl.

You are quite the talker now, so much so, that you rarely take a breath! You ask so many questions that Daddy and I can't keep up with you. You're very social and love your friends at daycare. Your teacher said that you like to direct the other kids in class and that you pretend that you are the teacher. One of the funniest things that you did this year was sing your version of the BINGO song. This is your version: "There was a farmer had a dog, and Bingo was his nameo, E I N G O, E I N G O, E I N G O, and nemos nemos nemos (you were watching "Finding Nemo" a lot at the time). :-)

Your favorite foods right now are cheeseburgers, french fries, chicken nuggets, ketchup, pears, ice cream, cupcakes, chocolate, and pretty much anything else with sugar. You experiment with your food sometimes - dipping your PB&J into your applesauce and putting yogurt on your chicken nuggets. The only vegetables that you will eat (without coaxing) are carrots. You always try to negotiate the amount of bites that you take at dinner. In order to get dessert, we require you to eat some of everything that is on your plate. This is where your negotiating skills come into play. You will tell us that you will take 2 bites of this and 3 bites of that in order to get dessert.

Your favorite toys are your stuffed Chihuahua and your Rainbow Dash baby. You are starting to show an interest in dolls, specifically paper dolls and Barbie (which makes Mommy very happy!) You still love to watch TV and your favorite shows are Sofia the First, Doc McStuffins, Little Einsteins, and Team Umizoomi. You also love to watch movies including Cinderella, Tinker Bell, Tangled, Toy Story (all of them), and pretty much anything else made by Disney. We took you to your first movie this year, and although you enjoyed the experience, it was too loud for your sensitive ears. Next time we're taking earplugs!

Your biggest accomplishment this year was potty training. You did so well and you've been trained for quite some time now. Accidents still happen every now and then, but that is to be expected. We're so proud of you!

The biggest event to happen this year was the birth of your baby sister. You were very excited to be a big sister and even more excited that the baby was a girl. Throughout my pregnancy, we read books about what it would be like to be a big sister and what to expect once the baby arrives. You loved to talk about all of the things that you would do as a big sister and you'd ask when she was coming out. When Maylin finally arrived, you were so excited and couldn't wait to meet her. Since she's been with us (8 weeks now), you have been the most awesome big sister. I can't express how proud I am of you, Pumpkin. You've been so sweet to Maylin, you sing to her to try and get her quiet down, you give her the pacifier when she's fussy, and you LOVE to touch her and give her hugs and kisses. She is very lucky to have you as a big sister and I know you both will continue to love each other as the years go by.

This last year was amazing and we are looking forward to all of your new accomplishments in the coming year. We are so lucky to call you our daughter. You truly make us very happy and proud. We love you, Pumpkin!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Morgan's 4th Birthday Party

Morgan's 4th birthday was celebrated a few days early with her friends and family at ASI Gymnastics. She and 15 of her friends had a blast playing on the trampolines and in the pit. The staff members were excellent and really engaged the kids in getting involved in the activities. Her BFF, Sloane (Sloanie), who left daycare several months ago, showed up to the party and Morgan was beyond excited. She kept repeating over and over 'it's Sloanie, it's Sloanie"! It was a wonderful celebration - what a blessing to have so many friends and family who love her.

Gracie & Morgan having fun on the trampolines

Morgan and her BFF, Sloane

Morgan received a birthday t-shirt and medal

Group Shot

Silly Group Shot

Time for cake!

Singing "Happy Birthday"

Who wants ice cream?

Uncle Jeff is becoming a pro at holding babies.


Morgan & Sloanie

Ready to open gifts

Peas in a Pod from the Janik boys

Minnie Mouse shirt from Isabelle and Ethan

Princess Sofia's crown and amulet from Gracie

Visit from Aunt Lu

My sister, Lu, came to visit for a few days to finally meet Maylin and to see her other favorite niece. My brother was able to hang out with us for a few nights as well. It was a great visit!

Sweet Pea

My friend, Julie, got this adorable outfit for Maylin. I love the 'ruffle butt'!

Big Girl Bedroom

Morgan's big girl bedroom is ALMOST done! I still need to add a chair and some things to the walls, but below are pictures of the mostly finished product.

This is my dresser (refurbished) that I used as a child.