Thursday, November 14, 2013

Letter to Maylin - 3 Months

Maylin Sweet Pea,

You are now 3 months old and it feels like the time has gone by so quickly. You are such a good baby and rarely fuss unless you're hungry or sick. Even when you're sick, you will give us some of your sweet smiles though. One of the things that I love to do with you is rub my cheek again your soft hair while I'm burping you. I can't help but kiss your little head as well. I love how good you smell after a bath! I will kiss and nibble on you quite a bit. Daddy says I can't eat you, so I try really hard not to get too carried away. :)

You look a lot like your daddy and have really kissable chubby cheeks. Once again, it's hard to resist not kissing them off! You are sleeping like a champ and eating well, although you do spit up a lot. We've not moved you up to your own room yet, partly because we've not had the time to make the transition and also because I'm not quite ready to have you leave us yet. You are starting to watch your sister now and you are smiling at her when she talks to you. You already love her so much. I can't wait to watch your sisterly bond develop.

We love you Sweet Pea. Let's see what month 4 has in store for us...

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Baby & The Helper

Thank You, Dr. Thomas

We paid a visit to see Dr. Thomas when Maylin was 2 months old. She helped us in achieving the dream of having another baby. She was there with us for 2 years as we struggled through chemical pregnancies, a miscarriage, three operations, and finally a successful pregnancy. Thank you, Dr. Thomas!


Grammy & Pap and the Newtons came over in early October to celebrate Brian's birthday. They had some Morgan and Maylin time and then we went out to eat for some Mexican food.

Peggy's Visit

Peggy came into town for Lisa's birthday, but came by for an afternoon to see Morgan and meet Maylin. She helped me put the finishing touches on Morgan's big girl room and hung up Maylin's name in the baby room. I'm so thankful for her and her design skills. Thank you Peggy!