Friday, June 13, 2014

Letter to Maylin - 10 Months

Dear Maylin,

You are 2 short months away from being a one year old. It amazes me how quickly 10 months can go by when blessed with a sweet baby.

In the last month, you have sprouted a new bottom tooth and it looks like your top teeth are about to make an appearance. You are crawling everywhere and exploring EVERYTHING! You love to play with wires, play by corners and edges, pull up on unstable objects, and basically get into anything and everything that has the potential to harm you. We tell you 'no no' a lot and you will just give us your cute toothy smile and continue to do it anyway. You are starting to show an interest in the stairs, but haven't yet tried to climb them (thank goodness).

Your personality continues to shine and express itself. You are very easy going and will put up with a lot from your sister, who is constantly messing with you. She loves you dearly, but she also treats you like one of her stuffed animals. She'll squeeze you, pinch your cheeks, pick you up and try to move you, yell in your face, push you, pet you, and love on you; none of this seems to bother you. You love her so much and squeal with delight when you see her. You follow her around the house and kick your legs anytime that she runs past you.

You are very ticklish and laugh with delight when I tickle your belly, ribs, and "hammies" (short for ham hocks). All I have to do is say "I'm going to get your hammies" and you start laughing. Your laugh is one of the best sounds in the world, Sweet Pea. The best moments are your delicious squeals with excitement when you see me or Daddy. You've become a bit clingy when it's time to drop you off at daycare or when Auntie or Laura comes to babysit, but you quickly get over it.

Your appetite has increased and you're eating more food now. You're still not getting the concept of picking up your food and eating it. You seem to have the princess mentality of "feed me servant". You love your afternoon snack of fruit puffs, but you refuse to feed yourself. You will put your mouth on my fingers, arms, and legs to let me know that you're ready for another puff. This makes me laugh and I happily oblige.

You bring happiness to all of our lives on a daily basis, Sweet Pea. We love you so much!


Mommy, Daddy, & Morgan