Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh, The joys of being a Homeowner!

Our first year in our new home has definitely been an adventure and extremely expensive. Not only did we pay for a wedding and a honeymoon, we also replaced the furnace, purchased a new water heater and just this past weekend replaced the air conditioning unit. We're hoping that our 2nd year in the house will be more about saving our money rather than spending it! God Bless Our Home!

Our brand spanking new air conditioner

Friday, June 20, 2008

Remembering Percy (1999-2008)

I just found out this morning that my sister's cat, Percy, passed away this morning after losing his battle with Lymphoma. Lu has 4 cats, but I must admit that 'Big Percy' was my favorite. He was this big lug that never knew a stranger and just by the sheer size of him could knock over just about anything that was on a table or a counter. He was truly a gentle giant and to quote Lu..."there will never be another Mr. Percy".

We'll miss you Big Percy!

Bruce & Dorothea

My Aunt Dorothea and Uncle Bruce came from Iowa to visit us this past weekend. My brother Jeff flew in from Kansas City and my sister Lu was supposed to come as well, but her cat got sick and had to have surgery, so she was not able to come.

It was a very nice visit and it was so great to see them. We are now planning a family reunion (mom's side of the family) in Lake Okoboji, Iowa which is where we used to go every summer for a family vacation. We are even going to stay in the same little cabins that we used to stay in when we were kids. I can't wait!

Bruce & Dorothea (my mom's sister)

Lisa made dinner!

Aidan getting friendly with Jeff

Pool Baseball

Family Picture (Jeff left early that morning)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Friends in Town

My friend Wendy and her husband Paul were in town for her Father's wedding, but she made time to get together with us and our other friends Nola and Damian. The last time that we were all together was at Christmas, just before Wendy and Paul moved up north to the Boston area. We had mentioned a few things that we could do while they were here, but we ended up just sitting around and sharing our funny stories - which was a lot of fun. Below is a picture of Wendy and Paul.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Testing the Waters

Our cat Aidan is a true "Mama's Boy". He follows me every where, he's under foot 24/7 and basically just likes to be wherever I am. That's why when I saw this, I had to take a picture of it. Aidan likes Brian and will "settle" for him when I'm not available, but he has NEVER trusted him enough to lay on him until the other day. You can tell by Brian's face that he's just as unsure as Aidan is! Haha!


Our First Party

Brian and I held our first party since we've been in our new home and what better day to have it than one year (to the day) after we moved in! Because it was Memorial Day weekend, we went with the patriotic theme to remember and honor the men and women who have served our country (including my dear husband) and had it catered with Mexican food from Cantina Laredo. We also splurged and had a margarita machine - which was very noisy, but the margaritas were good! Several friends brought housewarming gifts of flowered plants and wine - so sweet. I think everyone had a good time and we'll definitely do this again!

Yes - I am a dork!

But, so is my husband!

Sister Tina, Cousin Cherie, Friend Nola, Sister Lisa, Cousin George (Brian's Dad is in the background)

Why are none of these people in the pool?

Notice the group of girls dancing under the porch - so much fun!

It appears that Brian and I aren't the only dorks! :-)