Sunday, December 20, 2009

Letter to Morgan - 12 Weeks Old

My Sweet Pumpkin,

I can't believe how much you've changed in the last month! Your colic is finally subsiding and your cute personality is beginning to show itself. You are smiling at us a lot more and you will squeal when you're really excited. You like anything that lights up and makes noise. You love for us to sing to you and sometimes this is the only way that you can be consoled. You also like to sit on our tummys while being rocked in the chair and you tend to fall asleep in this position - which we find very funny! I've shortened your nickname of Pumpkin to "Punks" for some reason. Daddy says that it is very fitting, since it could mean different things.
You have been sleeping through the night now for about a month and we are loving every minute of it.

I didn't think it was possible, but I love you more and more each day that I am with you. You are so loveable and I can't stop kissing your cheeks, your little ears, your temples, and the top of your head. I even do this while your sleeping because I can't help myself! You are such a gift and I am still thanking God for blessing us with such a sweet baby girl. I love you little Punks.

Morgan - 12 Weeks

The Fletcher Christmas Party

Every year we attend the best Christmas party of the season at the Fletcher's house. This year I was in charge of bringing the music. I was a little nervous about whether or not my music would appeal to the group, but I had no reason to worry - the music was a hit as you will see from the pictures.

Josie, Chris & their co-worker (can't remember his name)

Sedeve and Tom


Lisa & Chris

Darenda & David

Maria & Tom

Counter Top Dancing

Santa Village

The Richardson Civic Center creates an enormous Santa Village every year for families to visit and see Mr. & Mrs. Clause. Unfortunately, we went on a night when the Clauses' weren't home, but we got some great pictures in the village.

Morgan is ready for a sleigh ride

Sleepy Baby

Morgan likes to sit on Daddy's tummy in the rocking chair, but she has a very hard time staying awake...

Professional Pictures

We had our first professional family photos taken recently. Below are some of our favorites.

Mommy & Me

We took this picture just before we left to have our professional photos taken for our Christmas cards.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Old Friends

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, Brian's friend Joe and his family came into town, so we went over to visit them along with some of Brian's other friends from high school.

Joe, Angie & the boys

Judd, Carol & their kids

Kim & Jason

Ryan (9 months) & Morgan (2 months)

Brian with best friend Patrick

The Guys

Joe & Morgan

Siblings Kim & Patrick

Gracie's Birthday Party

Gracie celebrated her 4th birthday at the Rainforest Cafe at Grapevine Mills Mall. What an awesome place for kids, although very noisy. Morgan did really well and actually enjoyed the sensory overload.

The Birthday Girl

Uncle Ed with Morgan

Brittany's new smile (no more braces!)

JD & Morgan

JD with his cool balloon hat

Gracie with My Pretty Pony

Make a wish!

Dinner with Friends

Wendy and Paul came into town for the Thanksgiving Holiday, so we dropped the baby off at Aunt Lisa's and went to dinner with them and the Moudry's. We always have a good time sharing funny stories. The best one of the night was definitely Wendy's story involving a bra and a purse - enough said!


The plan was to decorate the entire house for Christmas during the Thanksgiving holiday, but I only managed to get the tree done...thankfully I've still got some time.

Brian adding the final touch

All done


We have so much to be thankful for this year and other than the birth of our daughter, we are most thankful for our families and all of the love and support that they gave us after Morgan was born. We love you all very much!

We spent Thanksgiving with Brian's family at Robin and Ed's house again this year and enjoyed a wonderful meal with all of the fixin's.

Grammy with Gracie & Morgan

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Letter to Morgan - 8 Weeks Old

To my sweet baby girl,

You are 8 weeks old today! I can't believe that you are another month older. You have changed so much over the last 4 weeks. Your beautiful eyes are focusing in on things and you like watching TV. You enjoy playing on your jungle mat and watching the lights flash. Your two favorite things are laying on the dining room table (our current changing table) and having Mommy or Daddy bounce you on the exercise ball. You are recognizing our voices now and you smile when we play and smile at you. You also like it when I sing silly Girl Scout songs to you, regardless of how badly I sing them. You are starting to sleep through the night now, which makes me and Daddy very happy. We've started calling you by different nicknames, mine is Pumpkin and Daddy's is Bug. Every day we are amazed at how truly wonderful and beautiful you are. The effect that you have on our hearts is something that can't be explained in words, just know that we love you and can't wait to see what new things you have in store for us in the next month.

Morgan at 8 Weeks