Saturday, November 21, 2009

Letter to Morgan - 8 Weeks Old

To my sweet baby girl,

You are 8 weeks old today! I can't believe that you are another month older. You have changed so much over the last 4 weeks. Your beautiful eyes are focusing in on things and you like watching TV. You enjoy playing on your jungle mat and watching the lights flash. Your two favorite things are laying on the dining room table (our current changing table) and having Mommy or Daddy bounce you on the exercise ball. You are recognizing our voices now and you smile when we play and smile at you. You also like it when I sing silly Girl Scout songs to you, regardless of how badly I sing them. You are starting to sleep through the night now, which makes me and Daddy very happy. We've started calling you by different nicknames, mine is Pumpkin and Daddy's is Bug. Every day we are amazed at how truly wonderful and beautiful you are. The effect that you have on our hearts is something that can't be explained in words, just know that we love you and can't wait to see what new things you have in store for us in the next month.

Morgan at 8 Weeks

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