Saturday, October 24, 2009

Letter to Morgan

To my sweet baby girl,

You are one month old today! I can't believe it's already been a month since you entered our lives and turned our world upside down. In 4 short weeks, you have taken over our hearts and showed us what it truly means to love someone unconditionally.

In the first month, we know this about you...

You are the cutest baby we've ever seen.
You are a ravenous eater and have no patience when it comes to feeding time. You want your food NOW!
You have the cutest little "drunk baby" face when we burp you.
Your smile is the most wonderful thing in the world.
You have the most beautiful eyes and when you look at us, our hearts melt.

We love you so much and we can't wait to see what new things you will show us next month.

Morgan with her Harrod's Bear (One Month)


zaf_fam_tx said...

I LOVE "drunk baby" face! It's my favorite!!!!! ;o) Happy 1-month birthday, Morgan!

The Beautiful Cagle Family said...

So excited for the 3 of you! It is such a wonderful experience. I cant wait for you to experience it when you are not sleep deprived!!! But do remember that you wont EVER have this much time with her again so enjoy the sleepless nights :)