Tuesday, March 30, 2010

RV Trip to West Virginia

A husband + a wife + a 5 month old baby + a sister/sister-in-law + an RV = one interesting trip to West Virginia!

It actually was a really nice trip and we enjoyed having my sister with us. She was a big help with the baby and it was nice to show her another part of the country and introduce her to all of Brian's side of the family.

Friday night we went to Robin and Jim's house, where we had one of the best meals we've ever had. Jim made the most incredible cabbage rolls and also made my personal favorite, potato and green bean soup.

Saturday afternoon we had lunch with Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Dave and they got to spend some time with Morgan. Our visit was a surprise to most of his family, so when we attended the Saturday night Italian dinner that his family put together, they were very surprised and very excited to finally meet Morgan.

Sunday was spent at Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Nelson's house. We were able to visit and have a nice dinner with everyone.

I think Morgan enjoyed meeting all of her Daddy's family, although I think it was a bit overwhelming at times. She did end up getting her first cold on the way home, but thankfully Tylenol, a humidifier and time helped her recover.

Morgan is ready..."let's go Daddy"!

All ready to go!

Lisa - trying to sleep in the back, but as you can tell from the blurry picture, it was a very bumpy ride.

Morgan didn't have ANY problems sleeping in the RV!

Cheryl and Diana

Elizabeth, Diana, Ruthie, Terra

Chase and Uncle Dave

Aunt Liz (she and Morgan share the same birthday)

Ruthie had Morgan laughing so much that we started calling her the "Ruthie Doll"!

Cousin Robin

Morgan took her turn driving the RV

Thank you Grammy & Pap for letting us borrow the RV!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brian and Amy,

What an absolutely wonderful surprise. We have all been dying to meet one of the newest additions to our great family. She is a doll baby and I already have seen what joy she has brought to your lives. I have been all through your blog site and what a wonderful thing. It is so nice to be able to keep up with what you are doing. We seem to lose touch when there are so many miles between. I love looking at all the pictures. You guys are doing a great job and the next time you are up this way we are going to have Mexican family dinner night and guess who gets to cook? (Did you think I missed the cooking class section?).

Love to you all,

Your cousin in WV,
