Sunday, May 30, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 8 Months

Hi Pumpkin,

Another month has gone by and you still amaze us every day. You have cut your first bottom tooth and are working on your top 2. The teeth cutting has caused you some grief, but you're still such a good baby. You are constantly moving and will move your feet in circles when you are sitting down. You still clasp your hands together and will clasp them when being picked up. You like your personal space sometimes and if we invade that personal space, you let us know that you aren't having it! You are smiling and interacting with us more and more and you are laughing more than you ever have. You still aren't crawling, but you are twisting and planting one foot on the ground. You have outgrown your swing, your vibrating chair and your forest playmat and you're on the brink of being too big for your Bumbo and your car seat. It still amazes us that 8 months ago you were too small for just about everything and now you've outgrown the majority of it. Although you are getting bigger, you are still our little baby girl and we are having such a great time with you. We love you little Punks.

Mommy and Daddy

Ready for Summer

Look at that little tooth!

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