Sunday, June 27, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 9 Months

Sweet Morgan,

You are 9 months old and growing like a weed! You are now eating a whole jar of food plus a bottle at every feeding and eating on a more 'normal' schedule. You have the sweetest little chubby thighs that are extremely ticklish when Daddy and I squeeze them. Your top two front teeth are finally starting to cut through, which has made you very miserable, but even through the misery, you're still a happy baby. There is no sweeter sound than your laughter and you laugh and smile a lot. You still love your bouncy, but have outgrown your Bumbo. You are just starting to give kisses (open mouth slobbery ones) and you're also starting to cuddle a little bit. You absolutely love the pool and every time you see it through the window, you get excited. You are so close to crawling - you will lift your butt in the air and extend your arms, but you haven't quite figured out that you also have to bend your knees. You love to play tug-of-war with your blanket, which is guaranteed to get a laugh out of you. "Dolly" is still your favorite toy, but I think if we let you have the remote, Dolly would be dropped like a hot potato! You want to play with anything and everything that you can't have - remote, laptop, mouse, security wall pad, camera (as you will see below), etc. and you get very angry when something is taken away from you that isn't 'baby friendly'. You will cry sometimes when I leave the room, but then smile as soon as I come back and give you attention.

You make us so happy and we are so proud to be able to call you our daughter.

We love you,

Mommy & Daddy

Big Girl

Friday, June 25, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Saturday we celebrated Father's Day with Brian's parents at their house where we had a wonderful meal prepared by Mary and dessert provided by Robin. Gracie let Morgan sit in her lap for a while and had her laughing hysterically at one point. Morgan loves her cousin Gracie!


Sunday was spent at home where Morgan and I tried our best to make it a special day for Daddy. Morgan gave Daddy a shadow box with some special things from her birth and pictures of herself. We then got our swimsuits on and had a picnic lunch on the back patio and went swimming for a couple of hours. That evening I made one of Brian's favorite meals for dinner. It was a very nice and relaxed Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

You're funny Daddy!


Wendy & Paul came into town a couple of weeks ago and shared some VERY exciting news with us. It was so exciting, as a matter of fact, that Wendy's mother passed out in our living room after hearing the news that her only child is pregnant! Congratulations Wendy & Paul!

Mother & Daughter

The proud parents

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Morgan's Baptism

Morgan was baptized on Sunday, June 6th. She had so many loved ones there - Grammy, Pap, Robin, Ed, Gracie, Lisa, and Peggy (her Godmother) were all there to share in her special day. She was such a good baby! She only got fussy once during the church service, but quickly settled down. She did make us laugh once during the service - while the pastor was giving his sermon, she gave him a very loud raspberry. Apparently she did not agree with what he was saying!

We had lunch at our house afterwards and dessert was prepared by my friend Julie. She made wonderful strawberry cupcakes, which were a huge hit! During lunch, Morgan gave her Godmother Peggy a gift which was an engraved frame with the following: Godmother "Take my little hand, hold it as I grow. Teach me of His love and all that love bestows." I love you Morgan Ann.

After lunch, Gracie, Morgan and Brian took a dip in the pool and we finished the day off by opening Morgan's gifts. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

Grammy, Pap, Gracie & Morgan

Baptism Prayer

Morgan & Pastor Holly Bandel

Proud Parents & Godmother

Morgan with Godmother Peggy

Autie Lisa with her girl

Peggy opening her gift from Morgan

Mary & Robin


Kick, kick, kick...

Strike a pose


The frog kick

Surprise Visit to Iowa

My best friend Patti's father passed away on the Sunday before Memorial Day. Patti called me to let me know that the funeral would be on that Wednesday. I knew I had to go, but I kept it a secret from Patti. Lyle was like a second dad to me. He treated me like one of his own and one of my fondest memories of him was every summer when I visited Patti, he would make a point of going to the store to buy Captain Crunch for me, which was my favorite cereal.

Brian and I drove up there in a day and made it to the funeral with 10 minutes to spare! Brian was pulled over for speeding, so that delayed us. Thankfully the cop let him go with a warning. Patti was VERY suprised to see me and I was so happy to add some joy to a very sad day. After the funeral, Patti had a reception at her house and I was able to visit with her and her family and also got to see another childhood friend, Stacy. Unfortunately, I only got to spend one day with Patti, but it helps to know that I will be back next month for my family reunion and will get to hang out with Patti for a few days.

Best Friends

Patti's Mom, Patti and Lesa

Childhood Friends

Birthday Party

Our friends, Julie and Jason, hosted a small birthday party for their youngest son Rhett and Julie's father, at Julie's parent's country club pool. We enjoyed the buffet lunch, drinks and some yummy cake. We put Morgan in the pool and she immediately got excited and started kicking. I think we've got ourselves a little fish.

The birthday boys blowing out the candles

Morgan and her future husband Britt (running joke between me and Julie)

Too much excitement for one day!