Monday, September 26, 2011

Letter to Morgan - 2 Years

Dear Morgan,

Today is your 2nd birthday. I can’t help but reminisce about the day you were born and the first time I set eyes on you - a tiny baby with the most beautiful blue eyes and the longest eyelashes I’d ever seen. Little did we know just how much you would change our lives.

Since that day 2 years ago, you have grown into a smart and busy little girl. You talk in 2-3 word sentences and have quite a large vocabulary of words. Some of your favorite words are: Rabbit, Cat, Apple Juice, No, Mama, Daddy, Ball, Milk (Bilk), Water (Wawa), Blanket (Banky). Some of your favorite phrases are: No Cat No, I Eat, Oh Rabbit, and Hi Daddy Hi (my favorite). When you tell us you love us, you say "I Be". It melts our hearts every time we hear it.

You love to read, sing, and eat. We read several of your books every night before bedtime. Your favorite right now is the animal book. You love to make the animal sounds and tell me the names of the animals. You will sing to me and Daddy and have us clap along with you, but you scold us if we try to sing along. You will eat most things, but you're not too keen on corn, mac-n-cheese or any pasta really. Your favorite food is fruit and you insist on having your cookies right after dinner, which consists of 3 Nilla Wafers. We find it very funny that you will not say the word Cookie, you just say Pease (please) instead. You are no longer using your highchair and are now sitting at the dinner table. You also use your spoon to eat and are drinking from a cup. Only a year ago I was weaning you off the bottle!

You dislike taking a bath and you don’t like to be told no - you get very upset when you can’t have your way. You don’t like to share your toys very much, especially with the cats; hence the reason why one of your favorite phrases is “no cat no”.

In the last 2 years it’s been amazing watching you grow from a tiny baby to a little girl with a personality all her own. You’ve been such a blessing to us, Punkin’. Words cannot express how much you are loved and adored. You are a beautiful little girl inside and out and I’m so thankful that God has brought you into our lives. We love you so much.

Happy Birthday!

Mommy & Daddy

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