Monday, November 19, 2012

An Angel Gets Her Wings

Morgan FINALLY 'made brown' in the potty today at daycare! I'm hoping that now that she's done it once, she'll feel comfortable in doing it again. I've had butterfly wings sitting on the fireplace mantel as a reward for making brown. She was so excited to finally be able to wear them.

Such a big girl

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sick Kids

Daddy and Morgan were both sick this weekend. Daddy was rocking and singing to Morgan to make her feel better.

Hmmm, they don't look that sick


Morgan is just starting to get into "dress up". She got quite a few dresses for her birthday this year, including a Rapunzel dress from Aunt Lisa. This particular day Morgan was watching Tangled and wanted to put on her "Sapunzel" dress.

Visit from Friends

My college friend Wendy and her husband and daughter were in town last week for a wedding and we got a chance to hang out one night while they were in town. We invited them and my other college friend, Nola, over for some dinner and conversation. Morgan was on her best behavior and shared all of her toys with Alicia (who will turn 2 in December). This was my first time meeting Alicia and I have to say that she is so cute and has the best smile! Wendy and Paul are truly blessed with a sweet a little girl.

Yes, I'm a dork

Laughing with Alicia

Alicia really liked Aidan. Aidan on the other hand...

Music time

Wendy and Paul seemed to enjoy music time too.

Alicia is cooking up dinner

Indian princess watching TV

Alicia tried pizza for the first time. I think she liked it - Wendy couldn't cut the pieces quick enough!

Halloween 2012

This year Morgan finally got to go trick or treating. She went when she was a newborn and when she was 1 year old, but obviously those two times, she didn't get it. Last year, she had Pink Eye and didn't get to participate. This year she got it and had a blast! We had a couple of neighbors tell her that they'd been waiting for her to show up, which was sweet. She was a little scared to go up to some of the houses because of either the decorations, the creepy music, or both. All in all, she had a great time and talked about it for a week.

Pumpkin made by Grandma Muriel (with Morgan's help)

Minnie needs some adjusting

OK, let's do this

1st House

It might be time for a potty break

All done

A happy and tired Minnie

Muriel Visits

Brian's mom, Muriel, came to visit at the end of October and was able to spend some quality time with us. Apparently we had such a good time, we barely took any pictures while she was here. We had professional pictures taken with her and Morgan, but I won't be posting those pictures until after Christmas because I'll be using some of them for our Christmas card this year.

Love this picture

Morgan is sporting the new jacket that Grandma got for her.

Color time with Grandma

Trunk or Treat 2012

Morgan's daycare hosted their first Trunk or Treat this year. It was really cold that evening, so the outside festivities were over quickly and everyone moved inside for various games and activities.

Brian's Mom came into town the same day and was able to join us for the Trunk or Treat fun and also see Morgan in her cute Minnie Mouse costume.

It's cold out here!

Trunk or Treat with Grandma Muriel

Sloan & Morgan

Hugs for Sloan

Morgan & Cameron

Story Time with Esae

Color a Pumpkin activity

Put a Face on the Pumpkin

The pumpkin has a bit of an eyebrow issue

Bean Bag Toss

Ring Toss

Pumpkin Sun Catcher

Pumpkin Bowling

Shapes Game

Morgan & Logan

Crazy Hair Day

Morgan's daycare had crazy hair day in October. It was easy to make Morgan's hair crazy because it's crazy every day of the year!