Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's Day

I had a very nice Mother's Day weekend. On Friday, when I got home from work, Morgan presented me with a pretty bouquet of flowers that she had made at school. On Saturday, while running errands, we stopped by MicroCenter and Brian bought me a new (and much needed) laptop. On Sunday morning I was presented with some very sweet cards from Morgan and Brian and then was taken to Cafe Brazil for breakfast (my one request). That afternoon we went over to Mary & Ron's house to celebrate Mother's Day with Mary and Robin (and Gracie).

My bouquet and new laptop

Café Brazil with my sweet girl

Mothers & Daughters

Happy Mother's Day

Morgan & Gracie playing with the Hula Hoop

Play Date with the Janik Boys

It had been a while since I'd hung out with my friend Julie, so while Brian went to a Ranger's game, Morgan and I had a play date with Julie and her boys, Britt, Bennett, and Rhett. The kids ate Mac & Cheese for dinner while us girls ordered Chinese. It was great to catch up with Julie and Morgan and Rhett had a good time playing together.

Dinner time

Fun time with Rhett

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Daycare Fun

Morgan had a fun day at school yesterday. She participated in Stretch-N-Grow, used a maraca to sing a song, and rode her bike that afternoon. Very busy little girl.


Morgan finally learned how to use the pedals on her bike. All it took was watching the other kids at her school do it and she had it down within minutes.

Go Morgan!

Debbi & Danny's Wedding April 2013

Morgan was asked to be one of the flower girls for my friend Debbi's wedding. She was so excited and couldn't wait to wear her new dress and gold shoes (which I posted about back in March). She had a great time playing with the other flower girl, Abigail. She only had one melt down during the wedding and that was because the petals that she threw on the ground were blowing into the pool. The Matron of Honor did a good job of calming her down and let her hold her bouquet. So proud of my girl, she did a great job!

Practicing throwing flower petals (with her bucket and torn pieces of a paper towel).

The Bride

Time to get her hair done.

Look at how excited they are, so sweet.

Precious girls

Sweetest picture ever!

Pretty girl

Bonding time with the beautiful bride.

Friends since 8th grade.

The handsome groom

Ready to walk with her mom, Geri.

The meltdown

So happy!

Name Tracing

Morgan has been practicing writing the alphabet. Now she has learned to write/trace her name. Such a big girl!

Hopefully you can see her traced name on the sheet of paper

The Human Desk

After spending most of the morning and early afternoon at the Dallas Zoo, Daddy was tired. Morgan decided that while he rested, she would use him as a desk while reading Mommy's Entertainment Magazine.

Dallas Zoo

We ventured to the Dallas Zoo in early April and had a blast! Morgan really enjoyed seeing all of the animals AND feeding some of them.

Ready to go!

First things first...she had to check out the slide.

Feeding the fish.

Feeding the goats.

Waiting to ride the train.

Morgan loved the train ride.

Entrance to the African Savanna

Morgan couldn't wait to see the giraffes. She was hoping to see a baby giraffe, but no such luck. She didn't know at this point that she would actually get to feed them too.

Feed me!

Time to ride the Monorail

Riding under the waterfall

Time for lunch

Eating with the Lions (the exhibit was directly next to the restaurant, separated only by a glass window).

Tuckered out