Saturday, May 18, 2013

Debbi & Danny's Wedding April 2013

Morgan was asked to be one of the flower girls for my friend Debbi's wedding. She was so excited and couldn't wait to wear her new dress and gold shoes (which I posted about back in March). She had a great time playing with the other flower girl, Abigail. She only had one melt down during the wedding and that was because the petals that she threw on the ground were blowing into the pool. The Matron of Honor did a good job of calming her down and let her hold her bouquet. So proud of my girl, she did a great job!

Practicing throwing flower petals (with her bucket and torn pieces of a paper towel).

The Bride

Time to get her hair done.

Look at how excited they are, so sweet.

Precious girls

Sweetest picture ever!

Pretty girl

Bonding time with the beautiful bride.

Friends since 8th grade.

The handsome groom

Ready to walk with her mom, Geri.

The meltdown

So happy!

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