Sunday, June 23, 2013

Father's Day

Daddy woke up to Donuts and Coffee (his request) and cards from me and Morgan. Morgan gave her Daddy a weekend getaway to the Gaylord Texan so that he could relax and not worry about doing things around the house for 2 days. He couldn't wait for his getaway to begin! The rest of Father's Day was spent working on Morgan's big girl room, then play time in the sprinkler, and dinner from Outback Steakhouse.

After breakfast, Morgan read her favorite book to Daddy

Preparing to paint the trim and doors of the big girl room.

Sprinkler fun

Morgan's Daycare hosted a Father's Day luncheon the week before and Brian was able to join Morgan for lunch before naptime. Apparently, lunch involved some interesting discussions like how big elephants are, the size of a blue whale, what is in bread, and Spiderman.

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