Saturday, August 31, 2013

Letter to Maylin - 4 Weeks

My Dearest Maylin Girl,

I can't believe it's already been 4 weeks since you became a part of our sweet little family. You came a little earlier than expected, but we were so excited to see you. You've been such a good baby and we're all so in love with you!

These are some of the things we already know about you...

You LOVE to be held. As soon as you realize that you've been put down, you start to cry.

You are a VERY messy eater. We have to use both a bib and a burp cloth to try and keep the formula from getting on your clothes. (These attempts don't work, unfortunately).

You are gassy (just like your sister was) and you are currently taking Zantac to help with this. Fingers crossed that it works. :-)

You have the most beautiful smile and I can't wait to see more of it as time goes on.

Your big sister ADORES you and loves to give you hugs and kisses all the time.

You are starting to get your days and nights figured out, which makes the nights for Mommy and Daddy a little better.

We love you Sweet Pea and we can't wait to see how many changes and interesting things you will do in the next 4 weeks.

I tried to take a picture of her with her rabbit in the chair, but she just wasn't having it.

She was more content laying on her play mat.

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