Thursday, August 10, 2023

Letter To Maylin - 9 Years

Dear Maylin,

How are you already nine years old? You've grown so much over the past year and have had so many fun things happen over the year. You started 3rd grade with Ms. Owens and Ms. King and it was finally a “normal” school year after suffering through a year and a half of the pandemic. You couldn't wait to get started and see your friends again.

They did come out with a vaccine for kids your age, so you were able to get your two vaccine shots before the end of the year and you didn't have any side effects, thank goodness.

This year you showed an interest in skateboarding so Dad started taking you to Gutsy Girls clinics and you have really enjoyed learning some skateboarding skills. You even got a new skateboard and your Halloween costume this year was an injured skateboarder.

You attended your first Dallas Stars game and we were lucky enough to be in box seats, which were awesome! You were up and out of your seat every time a song came on hoping to get on TV. Your Christmas list was packed with Stars stuff after that game!

One special thing at Christmas that you were excited about this year is that you got to hold Candi the Elf for the first time on Christmas Eve. Her letter at the beginning of the season said that Santa was now allowing you and your sister to hold her on her final day before he took her home to the North Pole. You were so excited and couldn't wait for Christmas Eve. You carried her around all day and barely let your sister hold her.

You ended the year on New Years Eve 'flying high' at iFly for the first time and loved it! After that, you spend the rest of the evening with your BFF, Skye, ringing in the New Year at her house.

Mom had surgery in February and you were very worried We tried to reassure you that everything was going to be OK, but until I was finally home and you could see me, you didn't stop worrying – so sweet.

You finally saw the movie “Turning Red”. We had been waiting for a long time for it to finally come out. The main character shared your name and she turned into a Red Panda. It seemed like this movie was made for you! We all really liked the movie and you started calling yourself Maylin Lee, and your friends did too.

Spring Break was a stay-cation this year in Fort Worth. We had a good time exploring the water gardens, going to your first rodeo, exploring the stockyards, watching the cattle drive, going through the maze, watching cowboys re-enact a gun fight, and going to the Zoo. You were even daring enough to ride the mechanical bull!

You did some fun Girl Scout things this year as well. In addition to selling a ton of cookies, your troop took a trip to the Water Gardens, and walked around downtown Ft. Worth to learn about some of the history of the city. You even saw the big, glittery cowboy hat in the square. You and your sister also went on an overnight GS trip to NASA! At the end of the year, your troop bridged from Brownies to Juniors. In the summer, you participated in Scout Day at the Ranger Game and got to walk the field!

You finished 3rd grade with all A's and your multiplication license! You worked so hard on getting that license and we're so proud of all your accomplishments this year!

Summer was full of so many fun things! We started summer with going to the beach with Grammy, Aunt Robin, and Gracie to Rockport, TX. We had so much fun and you collected some really cool shells. You attended basketball camp again this year and learned more skills and drills and had a lot of fun. You went to Glen Lake Camp for the whole week this year. This was your first time being away from home this long and I was very nervous about it, but you were totally fine. You had a blast and can't wait to go back next year! Your cousin Wyatt was finally born – he was late, but he finally came on June 27.

We took our family vacation to Montreal, Canada to visit Grandma Muriel. We did so many fun things including: a tour of Montreal, the International Fireworks Competition, lots of shopping, the Olympic Park, met and hung out with cousin Christine, visited the Biodome, checked out the Vans Skatepark, went to the Barbie Expo, went to the Notre Dame Basilica and watched Aura (the light show), went to Old Port and rode the Ferris Wheel, went to the Science Museum, took a day tour to Quebec City and visited the Montmorency Falls, took a cruise on the St. Lawrence river, and walked around the city.

It's been a very busy year! I think we have been making up for all of the stuff that we couldn't do during the pandemic.

You still love to be active and moving and you are always dancing! You love hanging out with your friends and cracking jokes. You talk A LOT and have a hard time letting others talk sometimes, but it's only because you have so much to say! We love your funny and witty personality and we love watching you grow into the young lady that you are becoming.

We love you, Sweet Pea!

Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Morgan

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