Sunday, December 20, 2009

Letter to Morgan - 12 Weeks Old

My Sweet Pumpkin,

I can't believe how much you've changed in the last month! Your colic is finally subsiding and your cute personality is beginning to show itself. You are smiling at us a lot more and you will squeal when you're really excited. You like anything that lights up and makes noise. You love for us to sing to you and sometimes this is the only way that you can be consoled. You also like to sit on our tummys while being rocked in the chair and you tend to fall asleep in this position - which we find very funny! I've shortened your nickname of Pumpkin to "Punks" for some reason. Daddy says that it is very fitting, since it could mean different things.
You have been sleeping through the night now for about a month and we are loving every minute of it.

I didn't think it was possible, but I love you more and more each day that I am with you. You are so loveable and I can't stop kissing your cheeks, your little ears, your temples, and the top of your head. I even do this while your sleeping because I can't help myself! You are such a gift and I am still thanking God for blessing us with such a sweet baby girl. I love you little Punks.

Morgan - 12 Weeks


Julie Jernigan said...

Yep. She got cuter. How is that possible?

The Beautiful Cagle Family said...

She is so PRECIOUS!!! I can see why you cant stop kissing her. What a doll with those big blue eyes!