Friday, January 29, 2010

Cereal Drama

Morgan had her 4 month check up yesterday along with 2 shots in the legs (poor baby). She is growing well and is in the 75th percentile for weight and 77th percentile for length. She's going to be a tall girl just like her mommy! The doctor said that we could start introducing cereal and baby foods to her. I was so excited that she could start eating these things, so I made some cereal for her last night before bedtime. I should have known from the first bite, that she wasn't happy, but I kept trying and after the third bite she poked out her bottom lip and screamed bloody murder. I felt really guilty and had to cuddle her quite a bit to get her to settle down. The crocodile tears get me every time! I believe I will bypass the cereal and go straight to baby food.

1st Bite


Still happy...

2nd Bite

3rd Bite

Enough is enough, Mommy!


Julie Jernigan said...

I love how the two of you are looking at each other in these photos! When Morgan is all grown-up, you will not be able to look at these photos without feeling a little teary-eyed!
I love that baby Moe-gan.

The Beautiful Cagle Family said...

That last pic she is serious about crying, WOW! Dont give up, try again, she will like it at some point!

zaf_fam_tx said...

Love it! The AAP actually doesn't really recommend cereal to start with anymore, so we are skipping it too. Cute pics!