Saturday, August 28, 2010

Letter to Morgan - 11 Months

Sweet Morgan,

There are so many things that you have learned and experienced in the last month! You finally decided to start crawling, but you're more interested in trying to pull yourself up to stand. You are VERY proud of yourself when you are standing, but it has to be on your terms. If you aren't in the mood to stand or practice walking, then you let it be known. The best thing you've learned this past month is giving hugs. Your kisses and hugs melt our hearts completely. Along with the good, came the bad - you had your first official cold and ear infection, which you are still battling. You are also teething and we think it's your molars this time. Through all of this you've been such a good baby and still manage to giggle and flash us your brilliant smile. In one more month you will be a year old and I will still ask the same question, where did the time go?

Mommy & Daddy

This is a picture of me holding the very first outfit that I bought for Morgan. She can finally fit into it and she's wearing it in her 11 month photos.

1 comment:

zaf_fam_tx said...

Cute dress! She looks so adorable in it!!